Fortnite V-Bucks - Everything you need to know about buying V-Bucks for PC, Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch

25 November 2019, 11:49 / by Fabian Roßbach
Fortnite V-Bucks - Everything you need to know about buying V-Bucks for PC, Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch

What is Fortnite even?

Fortnite is a video game by developer Epic Games and is the most popular game on the video game market. In 2018, the game had over 100 million players worldwide.

When players talk about Fortnite, they are usually referring to the Online Multiplayer Battle Royale. In this mode, up to 100 players play on a large map against each other until only one is left - the winner of the round.

The Multiplayer of Fortnite is completely free and can be played on PC, Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch. The single player mode of Fortnite is called "Save The World", but is hardly played.

What is the Battle Royale mode of Fortnite?

After the player starts the round, he is transported with 99 other players to the so-called Battle Bus, which flies over the fictional map of Fortnite. Each player can decide for himself when to jump out of the bus and where to land on the map with his glider. After landing, the search for equipment, weapons and other useful things starts immediately.

Fortnite offers in addition to the pickaxe, with which every player starts the round, the so-called Loot System. In this, weapons and ammunition are scattered all over the game map, which you need to win the round. This should make each round different and above all no so-called Pay2Win arise.

In some games, the players talk about Pay2Win when the manufacturer makes it possible to buy the strongest and best items and weapons only for real money - but that is not the case with Fortnite.

Players who have been eliminated from the round do not come back into the same

Fortnite suitable for children?

Fortnite has become very popular with younger players for several reasons. One of the main reasons is that the game is completely free to play and you don't have to subscribe or spend real money.

Another reason is the comic graphics, which are not very realistic and do not show blood, gunshot wounds or corpses. Players who have been shot down simply disappear and are no longer visible.

At the same time, the very fictional setting of Fortnite is not based on terror scenarios like other shooters. That is also the reason why the game has already been given a rating of 12 years and older in most countries and most parents classify the game as rather harmless.

Why spend real money on Fortnite?

Since the developer Epic Games Fortnite makes it available for free, it has to look for other ways to finance the development and server costs. In the case of Fortnite, this works via cosmetic outfits, skins, emotes and equipment. All of these things are only cosmetic because they have no influence on the strength of the game character or the weapons.

The quickest way to new outfits etc. is to buy them via the so-called V-Bucks in the Itemshop of Fortnite. V-Bucks stands for VinderTech Bucks and is the official but fictional currency of Fortnite.

Buying V-Bucks is therefore a way to get to your desired outfit or skin more quickly and easily.

Get V-Bucks for free

To get the V-Bucks for free, you don't have to do anything else but play Fortnite. This means completing

Fortnite on PC
For the PC version of Fortnite you need Fortnite V-Bucks for the Epic Games Launcher.

Fortnite on the PlayStation 4
To buy Fortnite V-Bucks for the PlayStation version of Fortnite, you have to buy them from the PSN Store or PlayStation Network Store. Always make sure that the code can be redeemed in Germany or the corresponding region. The easiest way is to buy a so-called Global Key here, which is not tied to a region. With many providers you get a code for PSN Store credit, which can then be used to buy Fortnite V-Bucks. So before you buy, you should always take a look at our PSN Card comparison page.

To the PSN Store credit cards

Fortnite on Xbox One
For Fortnite on Xbox One, the Fortnite V-Bucks must be redeemable for Xbox Live Store. Since many of the gift cards and codes are regionally bound, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the right region is supported when purchasing. The easiest way is to buy a global version, as it is not bound to a specific region. Since you can also pay for Fortnite V-Bucks Xbox One with Xbox Live credit, you should always take a look at our Xbox Live credit price comparison page. The next section provides an overview of the various V-Bucks packages and V-Bucks prices. to find the right coupon value.

To the Xbox Live gift cards

Fortnite on the Nintendo Switch
If you want to buy V-Bucks for the Nintendo Switch, you have to make sure that they are redeemable as so-called eShop codes. The eShop is the official Nintendo online shop where you can also buy V-Bucks for Fortnite directly. On our price comparison page you will also always find current prices for eShop gift cards, which may be cheaper. Before buying an eShop gift card, always make sure that the code can be redeemed for the correct region.

To the Nintendo eShop gift cards

Fortnite V-Bucks Packages and Prices

The Fortnite V-Bucks packages are tiered and so you always get the same amount of V-Bucks for 1 €. However, with larger packages you get the bonus V-Bucks on top. There is no difference in prices for PC (Epic Games), Xbox One (Xbox Live), PlayStation 4 (PSN Store) and Nintendo Switch (eShop).

  • 1,000 V-Bucks officially cost 10 € - with this package you have to do without bonus V-Bucks
  • 2,500 V-Bucks officially cost 25 € - you get a bonus of 300 V-Bucks on top
  • 6,000 V-Bucks officially cost 60 € - as a bonus you get a whole 1,500 V-Bucks for free
  • 10,000 V-Bucks officially cost 100 € - for this you get a whole 3,500 V-Bucks for free

As you can see, it pays off if you regularly buy V-Bucks directly to buy one of the larger packages. For example, if you buy a 1,000 V-Bucks credit card every two weeks for 10 € instead of giving away a 6,000 V-Bucks card every 12 weeks for 60 €, you save 1,500 V-Bucks worth 15 €.

Fortnite V-Bucks as a gift card

If you want to make a friend or family member happy, you can of course also buy a Fortnite V-Bucks gift card. Since the code to redeem the credit comes directly by e-mail, you can give the gift in your own and very individual way. In a nice message via WhatsApp or personally in a gift card or greeting card. At Keyfuchs you will also find a lot of other voucher and credit cards for all occasions or for your own use. The voucher cards of the providers can also be used to buy, for example, FIFA 20 Points on PS4, Xbox One or Nintendo Switch.

Fortnite V-Bucks gift alternatives

In addition to the V-Bucks there are also other ways to make gifts for Fortnite. There are so-called bundles i.e. packages which contain outfits, skins and a whole equipment set. If you want some recommendations, you can take a closer look at our current offers.

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