Forza Horizon 4 - No End of Service in Sight

01 October 2022
Forza Horizon 4 - No End of Service in Sight
There have been recent rumors about the discontinuation of Forza Horizon 4, but community manager T10 ManteoMax has squashed them. According to him, concerns about the end of Forza Horizon 4 are currently more than unfounded. 
The rumors started because the predecessors Forza Horizon 2 and 3 have always been removed from the shops about 4 years after the release date. That is, about 2 years after the corresponding successor was released. But, as mentioned, this is not the case for Forza Horizon 4. 
For those of you who are just getting into the racing adventure, I can say that you can do so with peace of mind. Forza Horizon 4 is also available on Xbox Game Pass.