Between fun and addiction - Where do casino games develop?

19 December 2022, 12:39 / by Tom Schwiha
Between fun and addiction - Where do casino games develop?

Gambling is not a new invention. Archaeological finds suggest that dice games were already being played in China 3000 years BC. Lotteries were very popular in ancient Rome. And in the Middle Ages, many people played dice and cards for money, despite church bans.

Today, gambling is conveniently available in online casinos. This form of gambling is particularly controversial. And not without reason, because of course the risk of addiction is great here and controls are difficult. Nevertheless, the market is growing steadily and developing further. These are the current trends:

Extended and virtual reality

The development of VR and AR technology is progressing steadily. For the entire gaming industry and of course for online casinos, this means completely new possibilities. Instead of just seeing the game world on the display, you can immerse yourself completely in it.
In the case of online casinos, this could eventually mean that you enter a virtual casino to play, as if you were entering a real one. There you could then sit down at the table and maybe even meet other players from the real world.

It will certainly take a while for such game worlds to be implementable and accessible to the general public of players. But this scenario is no longer unrealistic.

However, in Germany, the State Treaty on Gambling still represents a legal hurdle for virtual casino worlds. The simulation of table games is prohibited there. But the development of virtual gambling casinos is unlikely to be able to stop such regulations.

Crypto deposits

In an online casino, real money is usually played. And that has to be deposited first. For many players this is a frustrating process. Because the deposit options are often limited. In addition, most players like to start with small deposit amounts in order to test the various providers and their games. The operators of online casinos know this and set the minimum deposit - if there is one - usually quite low. Sometimes the

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