Grilling in Germany: Tips, Tricks, and Must-Try Recipes - A Guide to German Barbecuing Culture

10 April 2023
Grilling in Germany: Tips, Tricks, and Must-Try Recipes - A Guide to German Barbecuing Culture

In some caves in Sons of the Forest, you will need the grappling gun to rappel down into deeper areas. The grappling gun can be used to create and use zip lines to higher or lower areas. However, to obtain the grappling gun in Sons of the Forest, you will need to explore another cave.

As always, prepare yourself with weapons, food, and water as there will be many enemies in the cave.

How to find the grappling gun in Sons of the Forest

Follow these steps to find the coveted grappling gun:

  1. Travel to the grappling gun cave, located west of the snowy mountains on a path next to a lake.
  2. Enter the cave and continue until you reach a large room. Here, you will encounter many cave cannibals.
  3. Stay to the left in the cave to find the entrance to a new path and follow it to a passage blocked by a mutant.
  4. Pick up the time bomb on the floor to the right of the blocked passage and throw it at the mutant to clear the entrance.
  5. Continue through the cave until you reach the first fork. The left path leads to the grappling gun and the right path leads to a side with some backstory.
  6. Take the left path and continue through the cave until you reach another fork. The left path leads to a dead end with some materials, and the right path leads to the grappling gun.
  7. Follow the right path to a cliff with a grappling gun in a suitcase.
  8. Collect the grappling gun and use it on the cable car to reach the exit of the cave.

Using the grappling gun in Sons of the Forest

The grappling gun has two functions:

  1. Creating cable cars that reach higher or lower levels
  2. Using these cable cars

Cable cars can be created by equipping the grappling gun and firing it at a point in the environment; this will create one end of the cable car. Then, fire the grappling gun again to place the other end of the cable car. You will need a special rope, which can be made by combining a regular rope and a printed grappling hook.

To use the cable car, simply interact with it by holding down the "E" key.

How to get grappling hooks in Sons of the Forest

Grappling hooks must be made at a 3D printer, which can be found in some bunkers on the map. One such bunker with a 3D printer is located near the entrance to the cave with the grappling gun. In the bunker, you must combine some materials at the computer next to the Steam Key printer and start the printing process.

Enjoy exploring the world of Sons of the Forest with your new grappling gun!