Godfall - Sword fighting action meets loot adventure

17 June 2020, 18:08 / by Fabian Roßbach
Godfall - Sword fighting action meets loot adventure

Crossed Swords - In the action game "Godfall" by Gearbox Publishing you can prove your skills as a mystical swordsman. But what can you expect from the game, which was announced as a launch title for the Playstation 5?

A Ballet of Blades

One of the main elements of Godfall is supposed to be the epic fights against monsters and other knight-like opponents, where you have to do more than just press your attack button. The opponents react strategically to your actions and won't make it easy for you to progress. The right timing of blocks, parries, dodges and different attacks should get you to your goal.

However, it takes time and a cool head before you can figure out the opponents' attack patterns and behave accordingly. Similar to "Dark Souls", you are supposed to learn from each fight and each defeat how to improve your combat mechanics and better prepare yourself for the enemies. Over time, the fights are supposed to look and feel as fluid and challenging as a ballet performance instead of a heated battle.

Loot is good

If you manage to defeat your enemies at the end of a tough battle, you can plunder them for loot rewards in classic role-playing style. This way, you can find new armor pieces and different types of swords waiting to be explored. If you equip certain armor sets, your character will gain abilities that you can use to your advantage in battle. Each armor is supposed to have its own advantages and disadvantages, so that you ideally exchange your equipment again and again to adapt to the tactics of the opponents.

But your swords are more than just steel blades. They can summon fire from the earth or make your enemies stumble with powerful pressure waves. Again, there is no one weapon that will carry you through the whole game. By exchanging your weapons, you can reveal weaknesses in monsters to quickly and effectively bring them down.

Equal Opportunities

You will often find yourself in a situation in "Godfall" where you are up against two or more opponents at the same time. The enemies coordinate their attacks to stomp you into the ground, which can often make a fight quite tough. That's why it's only fair that you get reinforcement too. The game offers a drop-in multiplayer for this. This means that at any time, two other players can join your current session to support you in combat. When the fight is over, you decide whether you want to continue with your small team or prefer to fight as a lone warrior. Because just as quickly as the players can join your game, they can also leave again and return to their own world.

The Long Wait

"Godfall" will be released on the market around December 2020 together with the Playstation 5. To make the long wait a little more bearable, you can take a look at our website for similar games that also offer you a lot of action. Feel free to look around. You will find various comparable titles with which you can train before "Godfall" starts.

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