Grand Theft Auto VI - GTA 6: The Map in Focus - Size, Possible Changes, and What We Know So Far

28 May 2023 / by Tom Schwiha
Grand Theft Auto VI - GTA 6: The Map in Focus - Size, Possible Changes, and What We Know So Far

The Potential Size of the GTA 6 Map

The rumor mill is churning and one of the main topics is the map of Grand Theft Auto VI - GTA 6. According to leaked information, the map of the upcoming game could potentially be twice the size of GTA 5's Los Santos. This assumption is based on calculations made from leaked development information of GTA 6.

Using coordinates from the leaked material, a potential grid size for the map was determined. A Reddit user estimates that the grid size of the GTA 6 map is over 200 square kilometers. However, not every part of this area will be playable, so the actual playable area could be smaller than these 200 square kilometers. For comparison, the playable area of the GTA 5 map is just over 80 square kilometers.

The Map and the New Vice City

Details about the actual map or its appearance from a bird's eye view have not been revealed in the leaks. The estimates are based on leaked material from a game that is still in development, so they should be taken with caution.

It should not be expected that Vice City in GTA 6 will look exactly like the original version. Due to the time gap between the two versions, there are likely to be many differences when the game is finally released. However, there may also be some fun Easter eggs or references to the original.

Diverse Environment and Open World

The entire map is expected to not only consist of a huge cityscape, but rather offer a diverse environment, similar to Grand Theft Auto 5. This means that players can explore rural areas in addition to urban areas and experience a variety of activities and missions in different environments.

When Can We Expect GTA 6?

So far, there has been no official release from Rockstar Games regarding a release date for GTA 6. However, we can assume that the game will still be in development for some time before it is finally released. Once there is news about the release, you will of course find out from us.


The expectations for the map of GTA 6 are high, and the rumors and leaks so far give hope for an impressive game world. However, we still have to wait patiently for the official release and in the meantime, we can continue to explore the world of GTA 5 or pass the time with other exciting Steam Keys.

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