GTA Online - New exploit causes PC crashes

26 January 2023, 22:00 / by Fabian Roßbach
GTA Online - New exploit causes PC crashes

GTA modders have come up with something special, but their exploit is causing numerous crashes for other players. The problem affects the entire GTA-5-Online community and is causing discontent.

Danger to the GTA Community

How do you protect yourself from hacker attacks?

GTA is one of the most famous games ever. It owes this partly to its long duration. However, the game is still not without problems. Recently, GTA modders managed to crash the PCs of other players - the excitement in the community is great. The hacks of the said modders cause the account and character of another player to be deleted, and can also damage the PC itself. Why these mods misuse their power is currently still unclear. However, these acts seem to be targeted hacker attacks, in which the mods use their power to attack other players and delete their JP accounts and characters.

Rockstar responds to problems

What is the developer doing?

But you can protect yourself from it. With in-game firewalls you can protect yourself from the attacks. Admittedly, this variant is very complicated and probably the know-how is not enough. Therefore, in order to counter the risk that your things will be deleted, you should not log into the game anymore - even if that is difficult. If you only play the game occasionally, it is advisable not to open the game and log in. You can also file a complaint with Rockstar so that the developer can address the problem and quickly find a solution. After all, it is also the developer's job to guarantee a safe game. If you have the option, you can also play the game with your console. So far, no irregularities have been reported here.

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