Guild Wars 2 - Secrets of the Obscure

25 October 2023, 06:48 / by Fabian Roßbach
Guild Wars 2 - Secrets of the Obscure

Welcome back to Tyria

Hey, ready for a new adventure in Tyria? Grab your staff or sword and get ready, because with Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, a fantastic new world awaits you!

Through the Veil

We start with "Through the Veil," the first of three major updates to Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure. Here, you'll find three new story chapters that pick up where the launch story left off. You'll take your first brave steps into a new world: Nayos, the realm of dreams.

Convergences and Rift Hunting

Attention, Rift Hunters! With Convergences, we are taking demon hunting to a whole new level. Convergences are public or squad-based forays into enemy territory. The new story introduces you to the concept of Convergences and unlocks the corresponding Inner Nayos Mastery track.

Wizard's Vault Update

With every major expansion release, we update the Wizard's Vault. New seasons bring a new set of special objectives that you can complete to earn astral recognition.

If you want to learn more about the game, be sure to check out our Guild Wars 2 page. Here, you'll find more exciting information and tips about the game.

Weapons and Abilities

Starting from November 7th, six additional expansion relics will be available. And the developers are expanding the build options for players with additional relics in the two upcoming updates.

World vs. World

In a few weeks, the developers will release another blog with more detailed information about World vs. World. But here are some highlights: by the end of January 2024, they will expand the possibilities of how you can use your guild hall to create unique player experiences.

The Busiest Time of the Year

November and December also bring some events: a one-week buff support for the Extra Life Stream, a two-week New Hero Jump Start Event, and of course, Wintersday on December 12th.

To wrap up, the developers would like to mention their two livestreams. They would be delighted if you joined them this Friday at 12 PM Pacific Time (UTC-7) for a preview of the balance patch coming on November 28th.

So, grab your Guild Wars 2 key and dive into the adventure! See you in Tyria!

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