Paradox Development Studio has released Operation Sabre Patch 1.12.10 Checksum 0f26 for Hearts of Iron IV. The update focuses on bug fixes and improvements in Bulgaria and Romania.
Bugfixes and Balancing
The patch notes show that the developers have focused on correcting errors in the game mechanics. The update also adds new features, including the transfer of peace points to players due to features such as difficulty levels, puppets, and faction members. Countries with low war participation now transfer all their peace points to other countries.
Balancing adjustments have also been made to the countries of Bulgaria and Romania. Bulgaria now starts with the unlocked Mountain Guide technology, while Romania gets new focuses.
Other Improvements
In addition to the aforementioned changes, the update also includes various AI and user interface improvements. Changes have also been made to career profiles and modding updates have been added.
Hearts of Iron IV players can now install Operation Sabre Patch 1.12.10 Checksum 0f26 to enhance their gaming experience and enjoy the improvements in the game.