Hearts of Iron 4 - The 7th anniversary is approaching

07 June 2023, 07:42 / by Tom Schwiha
Hearts of Iron 4 - The 7th anniversary is approaching

Celebrate the 7th Anniversary of Hearts of Iron 4

Attention, generals! It's time to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Hearts of Iron 4! Since the game's release in 2016, we have spent countless exciting hours in this captivating World War II strategy game. Whether as a brave commander of a small nation or as the leader of a powerful superpower, these seven years have seen countless epic stories unfold.

Share Your Best Moments from HOI4

To celebrate this special occasion, the developers at Paradox Interactive want to create a compilation video showcasing your best moments from Hearts of Iron 4. Whether it's hard-fought wars, nerve-wracking battles, or cunning encirclement maneuvers, they want to hear from you! Share your favorite moments and memories from HOI4 and become a part of this special event.

How to Share Your HOI4 Moments

To participate in this action, you should fill out the provided form and submit your answers, screenshots, and videos there. You can find the link to the form here: Share Your Moments Here. The developers will then create a compilation video from your submissions, showcasing the best moments of the community over the past seven years.

Why You Should Participate in This Action

As a part of the Hearts of Iron 4 community, you have the opportunity to share your greatest experiences with other fans of the game and reminisce together. The 7th anniversary of HOI4 offers the perfect opportunity to look back on exciting wars, thrilling battles, and impressive strategies. Take advantage of this chance and become a part of the history of Hearts of Iron 4!

Get Your Hearts of Iron 4 Key Now

Haven't had the pleasure of playing Hearts of Iron 4 yet? No problem! On our website, we offer you the opportunity to purchase a Hearts of Iron 4 Key and dive into the fascinating world of this strategy game. Simply visit our Steam Key page and secure your key for hours of gameplay fun.


The 7th anniversary of Hearts of Iron 4 is an excellent occasion to look back on the best moments of the game together with the community. Take advantage of this unique opportunity and share your favorite moments from HOI4. Who knows, maybe your contribution will be part of the official compilation video for the anniversary? Have fun celebrating and playing!

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