Hearts of Iron 4 - Arms Against Tyranny - New Features

20 July 2023, 06:35 / by Tom Schwiha
Hearts of Iron 4 - Arms Against Tyranny - New Features

Welcome to Hearts of Iron 4: Arms Against Tyranny

Hello gamers! Today, we are diving into the heart of World War II and immersing ourselves in the world of Hearts of Iron 4. A very special expansion is on the horizon - Arms Against Tyranny. What does it bring? Let's find out together!

Changes in Division Structure

Do you remember the times when designing your divisions in the game was quite static? Well, those times are over. With Arms Against Tyranny, some exciting changes are coming our way. Artillery, anti-air, and anti-tank are now in their own category, and the 5x5 grid for your brigade is now an option. But as always, you have to decide for yourself which compromises you are willing to make.

New Modifier in the Economy

Another highlight of the update is a new modifier called "Consumer Goods Factories Factor". It changes the way consumer goods are calculated. The process now consists of two steps and will certainly bring more depth to the economy system of Hearts of Iron 4.

Preset Designs for Equipment Designer

If you're one of those players who don't want to interact with the complexity of the equipment designer or have difficulties with it - don't worry. The update brings preset designs for your equipment designer! A big step towards simplifying this feature. And who knows? Maybe in the future, we'll even be able to add our own templates.

Preview of the Next Update

So, those were some of the smaller new features of Hearts of Iron 4: Arms Against Tyranny. There's so much more to discover! Next week, we'll bring you more information about a new content system and how it will be integrated into the stories you can tell with this expansion.

Are you already excited and can't wait to get started? Then get your Hearts of Iron 4 key or browse through our wide selection of Steam keys.

See you next week!

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