Heavenworld - Welcome to the Zombie amusement park!

15 May 2020, 18:07 / by Tom Schwiha
Heavenworld - Welcome to the Zombie amusement park!

In the 24th century, no one is interested in ordinary amusement parks anymore. In the game world of Heavenworld, the scientists have come up with something particularly clever - using state-of-the-art "augmented reality", artificial alternative universes are created, into which one can be projected to experience exciting adventures. Such a groundbreaking form of entertainment is still science fiction in reality. If the description has nevertheless aroused your interest, you can participate in Heavenworld. A virtual world within a virtual world. Crazy!

Heavenworld offers you a creative and innovative mix of sandbox titles and role-playing, presented in a colorful and unique 3D graphic style. Your creativity is hardly limited, over 80 different options are available to guarantee a completely individual and unique gaming experience. From the difficulty level over the numerous skills to the different factions of the game world, you can quickly and easily put together everything to your own taste. A story generator spits out new stories again and again. Every game of Heavenworld is unique, a game master always leads the round in the background and triggers certain events. The difficulty level can be adjusted "on the fly" to ensure a smooth game course.

In terms of gameplay, a lot of variety is offered, your character can be trained and trained in numerous skills. The action can be controlled from the perspective of your character like in a first-person shooter, but also a third-person view is possible. For less experienced players, a target aid can also be activated. This feature emphasizes that Heavenworld is aimed at experienced gamers and newcomers alike. In general, the game can be controlled with mouse and keyboard or controller, depending on your personal preference.

Of course, fighting zombies is an omnipresent aspect of the game. To offer your character a retreat, for example, you have the option of setting up your own camp and equipping it with various buildings. While zombies are the most obvious opponents, you also have to deal with the various factions in the game. Each faction is run independently and has a large number of members.

In order for such a game world to look realistic and lively, high-quality artificial intelligence is of course indispensable. In Heavenworld, all characters in the game act completely autonomously, make comprehensible decisions and follow their own needs. This high degree of immersion is very beneficial to the gaming experience.

Heavenworld is an exciting title for players who want to experience something new again and who value player freedom and seemingly endless design options. In this game world you write your own story - how will it look?

The developers of "Helios Production" are mostly blank sheets that only appeared in 2017 with the title "BLACK DAY". With Heavenworld they want to really take off!

Would you like to buy a ticket for the Zombie Amusement Park? Then take a closer look at Keyfuchs, here you will be provided with all information and above all price comparisons. Find your bargain and be a bargain hunter!

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