Hermaeus Mora: Master of the Tides of Fate - Discover the Secrets of the Daedric Prince in The Elder Scrolls Online

26 April 2023, 16:00 / by Tom Schwiha
Hermaeus Mora: Master of the Tides of Fate - Discover the Secrets of the Daedric Prince in The Elder Scrolls Online

Hermaeus Mora and Fate

Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Fate, is known by many names, including The One Who Knows, The Lord of Secrets, and The Master of the Tides of Fate. It is the latter title that has always fascinated us, so we decided to delve deeper into the origins of this particular title for the keeper of forbidden knowledge.

The question, of course, is: what exactly is fate? That depends on the philosophy one subscribes to. The prevailing view describes fate as the development of events determined by a higher power. Although the nature and identity of this power remains controversial, it is clear that Hermaeus Mora rules over at least one aspect of fate. As all-seeing eyes, he constantly searches the tides of fate to find out what is destined to happen next. Hence, he is called the Master of the Tides of Fate.

The Role of Hermaeus Mora

As far as we can tell, the one who knows does not change or direct fate. However, they observe where the threads lead and follow them to their inevitable end. Excuse our mixing of metaphors, but describing fate can be difficult. Some see fate as a loom constantly spinning threads of destiny. Others envision it as a vast ocean with currents and tides stretching forever into the future.

Origin of the Name

So where does the name Master of the Tides of Fate come from? We believe it comes from those followers of Mora who see knowledge and fate as a vast and unfathomable ocean. They imagine Mora hovering above or within this ocean, constantly peering into its depths to track the currents of fate. He is the master not because he controls fate, but because he knows every possibility and outcome.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom

In fact, there are regions of Mora's realm Apocrypha that are nothing less than an endless sea, containing secrets and forbidden knowledge beneath its surface. Written by one of Mora's most valuable mortal agents, this book offers only a glimpse into the all-knowing Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. The one who knows plays a key role in shaping the fate of Oblivion and Nirn in the upcoming chapter Necrom in The Elder Scrolls Online.

Are You Ready for the Adventure?

Are you ready to discover more dark secrets deep within the libraries of Apocrypha? Let us know on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!

The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom is part of the Shadows of Morrowind adventure and will be released for PC/Mac on June 5, 2023, and for Xbox and PlayStation consoles on June 20, 2023. Pre-order Necrom now to receive unique launch bonus rewards and immediate access to the Sadrith Mora Spore Steed mount.

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