Hogwarts Legacy - Viewer records broken on Twitch

15 February 2023, 21:00 / by Fabian Roßbach
Hogwarts Legacy - Viewer records broken on Twitch

Hogwarts Legacy, which is set to release on February 10th for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, is already breaking viewer records on Twitch before its official release. 

Pre-orders have already raised high expectations for the game, and it has been leading the wishlist for PS5 and Steam among the most pre-ordered games.

The concept of the wizard school has sparked great interest among fans and others, which is why the game is currently only available for pre-order of the Deluxe Edition and many fans are following it through Twitch.

Partner streamers are offering viewers five items for the game if they watch two hours of streams of Hogwarts Legacy as part of an action. Hogwarts Legacy allows fans to experience the world of Harry Potter and visit the wizard school. The game has currently broken the Twitch record for the most watched single-player game.

What do you think? Is this justified or just overhyped?

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