Hearts of Iron 4 - Finland and its alternative history Part 2!
21 September 2023
Welcome to our journey through Finland in Hearts of Iron 4
Hello dear gamers! Today we are taking you on a journey to the cold, yet fascinating country of Finland - at least in the virtual world of Hearts of Iron 4. Whether you are a veteran in strategy games or a newcomer to the battlefield, this article will surely provide you with some interesting insights and useful tips for your next Finnish adventure. So, grab your coat and hat, it's going to be frosty!
The White Death and the Winter War
In Hearts of Iron 4, Finland is not only a place of icy cold, but also a breeding ground for exciting stories and tactical challenges. One of the most notable aspects is the portrayal of the so-called "White Death" - a tribute to the Finnish sniper Simo Häyhä, who became famous during the Winter War against the Soviets. This is depicted in the game through a series of events for Finland and an attacker, providing a gripping and historically accurate experience.
In addition to the Winter War, you can also experience the Continuation War - another conflict between Finland and the Soviet Union that broke out after a brief period of peace. In the game, you have the opportunity to experience the negotiations with the Allies during the Battle of Stalingrad. How did the Finns manage to extricate themselves from this mess? You're in control!
Changing State and City Names
Hearts of Iron 4 also offers you a lot of flexibility when it comes to managing your conquered territories. You can introduce states and victory points that can change their names depending on who controls them. This feature has now been updated to include specific state and victory point name changes for Finland and Sweden.
Game Rules and Releases
But don't worry, the game also brings some relaxation to your Finnish adventure! There are two new game rules for the division of the Nordic countries. You can choose between no division or only the release of Sápmi from the Nordic nations, or the liberation of Iceland, Karelia, and Greenland from the Nordic countries.
New Focuses and Military Advisors
The game also features some new focuses and military advisors that add additional depth to the Finnish scenario. For example, the "Pärmis Devil" focus is available for historical and fascist Finland, centered around the Finnish Separate Battalion 21. In addition, new generals have been added at the start of the game, including Karl Oesch.
New Tank Models
For the tank enthusiasts among you, there is also good news: the game now features French Renault tanks (available at the start of the game) and modified British Vickers tanks (available in the 1939 bookmark or through the "Foreign Armor" focus).
Final Thoughts
Hearts of Iron 4 offers you an immersive gaming experience that delves deep into the historical events surrounding Finland. Whether you want to write an alternative history or maintain historical accuracy, the game provides you with all the tools you need.
If you don't already have a Hearts of Iron 4 key, you can easily get one on our Steam Key page.
So, what are you waiting for? Dive into icy Finland and write your own story!
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