Hearts of Iron 4 - Norway in Focus

22 June 2023, 08:22 / by Fabian Roßbach
Hearts of Iron 4 - Norway in Focus

Norway in Hearts of Iron 4

In 1936, Norway, having gained independence from Sweden 30 years prior, looks optimistically towards the future. The country's merchant marine provides a steady source of income, and the modest industry is slowly recovering from the effects of the Great Depression. A majority government led by Johan Nygaardsvold ensures political stability and implements comprehensive progressive reforms.

However, despite the apparent tailwinds, Norway is put to the test in the lead-up to World War II. The political situation may be improving, but the country has neglected its military - not only due to financial reasons: Norway had declared neutrality and hoped, like Switzerland, to avoid being dragged into the war by maintaining a peaceful stance. However, this plan failed miserably: as the war began, both sides planned to invade Norway in order to gain an advantage over the enemy.

Strategies and Challenges for Norway

Defending democratic Norway against the German threat and changing the course of history will be a challenge. In the game Hearts of Iron 4, Norway is depicted during World War II, and players must try to defend the country against the approaching danger. Through the focus tree, some of the national spirits can be removed and new ones added.

In the historical depiction of Norway, the focus is on civil development and improving the political situation, while military development is neglected. To properly develop the country, players must focus on civil development. However, once the war begins, this development can be converted into military advantages to defend against the fascist threat.

Decisions and Opportunities

During the game, players can also make decisions that deviate from historical reality, such as establishing a fascist government in Norway. In this case, both historically democratic and historically fascist focus trees are available.

In addition to the different political directions, there are common branches for industrial development and improving the armed forces. However, players must be aware that when playing historically democratic, they may be temporarily blocked by a national spirit that prevents them from pursuing all focuses.

The Norwegian Tank

A special role in the game is played by Norway's first and only tank from this time. By completing a certain focus, players can start a series of events that allow them to buy a tank from Sweden or the Soviet Union, or even develop their own tank from scratch.


While Norway may not be the strongest nation in Hearts of Iron 4, it offers an interesting challenge for players. With smart planning and the right focus tree, Norway can stand against the overwhelming enemies and perhaps even play a significant role in World War II. If you are interested in more strategy games or want to try Hearts of Iron 4, check out our Steam Keys page!

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