How digital technologies have changed the gaming industry

11 June 2021, 10:04 / by Tom Schwiha
How digital technologies have changed the gaming industry

What we are offered today in terms of gaming is overwhelming and incomparable to the experience of the past. The reason for this change is mainly due to digital transformation. With the advent of new technologies and their constant evolution, the gaming industry is no longer what it once was. Fortunately, this is a situation that benefits not only game manufacturers but also players. But how does digital transformation actually manifest itself in the world of gaming? This is a question we would like to address in this article.

The Future of Mobile Gaming

To be fair, there have been games for cell phones for quite a while now, and one of the most popular games of all time, Snake on Nokia, was a real hit. However, what we were offered back then is not comparable to today's mobile gaming. Being able to bet on sports online, playing shooters with people from all over the world, or having an unparalleled gaming experience outdoors with XR technology – all of this is now possible. In fact, the potential of mobile gaming goes even further, and it's really just a matter of time before it starts taking market share away from PCs and consoles. This is not surprising, because mobile gaming not only offers enormous flexibility, but also a large selection of games. In addition, thanks to cloud gaming, even graphically demanding games should be able to be played on simple smartphones in the future. There is no doubt that mobile gaming has a bright future ahead of it, and for many gamers, the smartphone or tablet is already the number one gaming medium.


Internet Now Main Source of Information

In the past, we didn't have many options when it came to finding out about a new game. Either we asked friends for advice, or we bought a gaming magazine and based our opinion on their review. Both of these things still play a role to a certain extent, but nowadays the internet is the main source of information. There are now websites like ours, where gamers can easily find out about new releases or older games. So the situation is definitely better than it was in the past. After all, it is possible to compare the opinions of different sources and get a good idea of a particular game as a result. This in turn leads to fewer bad buys, which is definitely a good thing for the world of gaming and for gamers.


Gaming Gadgets Increase the Fun of Gaming

Gaming gadgets are still relatively rare, but there is no doubt that they will soon be an essential part of the gaming world. An example of what a gaming gadget can look like is Pokémon GO Plus. This device, developed for Pokémon GO, helps you catch monsters and spin stops while you're doing other things

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