Hunt Showdown: The Revenge of the Skinned - New questline starting May 5th

02 May 2023, 08:15 / by Fabian Roßbach
Hunt Showdown: The Revenge of the Skinned - New questline starting May 5th

End of "The Reptile's Watch" – New Event on the Horizon

It's time to pack our bags and bid farewell to the current questline "The Reptile's Watch" in Hunt Showdown. But don't worry, dear hunters, because the end of one event means the beginning of a new adventure!

The Revenge of the Skinned: New Challenges and Rewards Starting May 5th

Get ready, because on May 5th at 12:00 PM CEST, the exciting new questline "The Revenge of the Skinned" will start in Hunt Showdown. You can expect tricky challenges and, of course, plenty of cool rewards.

What can we expect from "The Revenge of the Skinned"?

While the exact details of the new questline in Hunt Showdown are still a mystery, we can anticipate action-packed battles, tactical gameplay, and spooky enemies based on the name and previous experiences with the game. So gather your courage, team up with your friends, and prepare to face the upcoming challenges!

Rewards: What's up for grabs?

Although we don't have specific details on the rewards in "The Revenge of the Skinned," we can be fairly certain that there will be some interesting items and extras for successfully completing the quests. After all, cool skins, weapons, and other goodies are a staple of Hunt Showdown. So keep your eyes peeled and secure your hard-earned rewards!

For newcomers: What is Hunt Showdown?

If you haven't yet had the pleasure of playing Hunt Showdown, here's a brief introduction: in this multiplayer first-person shooter by Crytek, you join forces with other players to venture into dark swampy areas to hunt monsters. It's not just about taking down the monstrous creatures, but also eliminating other hunter teams and claiming valuable loot items. Hunt Showdown captivates with its immersive atmosphere, tactical elements, and sophisticated risk-reward system.

How can I get Hunt Showdown?

Do you want to dive into the world of Hunt Showdown and take on "The Revenge of the Skinned"? Then simply get a Steam key for the game and get started! On our Hunt Showdown page, you'll find all the important information about the game as well as helpful tips and tricks to jump right into monster hunting.

Conclusion: Get ready for another exciting event in Hunt Showdown!

"The Revenge of the Skinned" promises to be another action-packed event in Hunt Showdown. Starting on May 5th, it's time to showcase your skills, conquer new challenges, and score big rewards. We wish you good luck and, above all, lots of fun on the hunt!

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