League of Legends - Hwei, the Visionary

20 November 2023
League of Legends - Hwei, the Visionary

A new visionary enters the arena

Riot Games introduces the new champion in League of Legends, Hwei, a contemplative artist with a skill set that offers the most spells of any LoL champion.

The new champion, Hwei the Visionary, is the latest to enter Riot Games' MOBA game, and he looks to be one of the most complex and versatile characters yet. With an arsenal of ten unique spells by his side, this contemplative artist appears incredibly appealing and promises to have the right answer for every situation - provided he is in the right hands. I'm already excited.

Hwei's Unique Abilities

Hwei utilizes various key combinations to unleash a much wider range of abilities than the traditional 'one per key' method can offer. Each spell requires a two-key sequence: the first press determines the color of the brush and thus the type of spell (Q is 'Catastrophe', W is 'Calm', and E is 'Torment'), and the second selects which of the three spells from that category to cast, also using Q, W, and E. Cooldowns are shared for all spells in a category, so you can only use one of each type at a time.

As you might expect, Catastrophe spells focus on powerful destructive abilities, Calm spells provide protection and buffs for Hwei and his allies, and Torment spells can be used to inflict negative effects on his enemies. If you decide to cancel the selected theme after the first key, you can press the R key to clean the brush and return to a neutral state without consuming mana or cooldowns.

However, pressing R without a selected theme will instead unleash Hwei's ultimate spell, Spiraling Despair. This attaches to an enemy champion, then spreads and creates a zone that deals magic damage and applies a stacking slow effect to all enemies within it before exploding for a final burst of magic damage to all remaining enemies in its range.

This is reflected in Hwei's passive ability, Signature of the Visionary. Landing a harmful spell on an enemy champion marks them for a few seconds - hitting a marked enemy again creates an explosion beneath them, dealing magic damage to all enemies in the area after a short delay. So, it's best to keep your distance when facing him on the enemy team.

Hwei's versatile arsenal certainly makes him one of the most adaptable champions in League of Legends. Although the shared cooldowns on each magic school mean he must choose his tools carefully, the potential he puts in your hands is exciting. It remains to be seen if this means he will be as challenging to master as the weapon-swapping Aphelios or Azir and his army of sand soldiers.

Hwei's Abilities in Detail

Hwei the Visionary will join the roster in League of Legends Patch 13.24, expected to release on Wednesday, December 6, 2023.

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