Icarus - How much of DayZ is in the game?

21 November 2021
Icarus - How much of DayZ is in the game?

Survival games are based on risk management. They give you goals and challenge you. In your efforts to achieve these and exceed them. They build their challenges on each other. Your character is hungry and therefore needs food. But to get food, you need a weapon with which you can hunt.

You need a fire with which you can cook meat and you need a shelter for this fire. In addition, you need tools to build your shelter. Furthermore, your character also needs water and oxygen as well as a storage room and... Before you know it, you're juggling more elements than a circus performer in a science museum.

In the big survival games you won't even notice how many things you're keeping in the air, until hubris sets in, you overestimate yourself and everything collapses.

Icarus - How much of DayZ is in the game?

Icarus is the latest survival game from Dean Hall, the creator of DayZ (an early milestone of the genre). His team at Rocketwerkz builds Icarus around a series of survival sessions.

The idea is to recreate the feeling of the first few hours in Minecraft or DayZ - and then extend it over dozens of hours. To do this, players must survive on a hostile planet surface and return to an orbiting space station between missions.

Superficially, it's like any other survival game. You land on the planet (Icarus itself), do survival tasks and try to survive. But thanks to the sessions, Icarus is able to change the parameters of your drop each time you try a new perspective.

While you might make easy prey in safe areas at first, later raids can be associated with higher stakes and tighter time frames.

Has the responsible development studio learned from its experiences?

Developer Rocketwerkz has learned a lot from DayZ. A problem that Halls Mod and Bohemias game constantly had to struggle with was the lack of