Hearts of Iron 4 - The International Trade System

17 May 2023, 05:31 / by Tom Schwiha
Hearts of Iron 4 - The International Trade System

Hearts of Iron 4: Introduction to the International Trade System

Hello everyone! In our last developer corner, we talked about the goals of Hearts of Iron 4, which includes the introduction of an international trade system. In this article, we will introduce you to the system and show you how to buy, sell, and trade equipment with other nations.

Feature Goals and Intentions

The main goal of the international trade system is to create a marketplace for nations to buy and sell equipment. This will provide benefits to both the seller and buyer countries and create a way for countries to offer specialized equipment to other nations.

Market Access

To gain access to the market, we must select the "Negotiate Market Access" option in a country's diplomacy menu. For countries with factions or puppets, this market access is automatically granted.

Buying and Selling

Once we have access to the market, we can buy or sell equipment. Any active contracts with other countries will be displayed here, making it easy to see your current status.


The purchase of equipment costs CiC (Civilian Industrial Capacity). We use a conversion ratio to convert IC value (Industrial Capacity) into CiC value. A contract has two main variables: CiC cost for equipment and civilian factories for payment.


Payments are processed through a new construction company for contracts. When a contract begins, a new entry is created in the construction menu for the number of factories agreed upon for payment and for the total CiC of the contract. This construction task takes priority over normal construction activities.

Contract Storage

CiC payments and equipment are stored in a "contract storage". At the end of the month, the minimum payment/delivery to each country is transferred from the contract storage. CiC is credited to the bank, while equipment is added to the equipment storage.

The Bank

The bank is a special container for CiC received from other countries as payment for a contract. It is used in construction by providing bonus CiC for construction tasks.


Either party can request a cancellation of the contract at any time. No further deliveries will be made and all payments to the contract storage will be returned to their origin.

These are some basic information about the international market in Hearts of Iron 4. In future developer corners, we will introduce more details and features. If you haven't got the game yet or need an additional key, visit our Steam Keys page and get your own Hearts of Iron 4 key.

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