Jumanji & Co. - The role of films in the gaming world

04 July 2022, 13:01 / by Tom Schwiha
Jumanji & Co. - The role of films in the gaming world

The gaming industry has grown to become the dominant entertainment industry, leaving movies and music behind. However, the enormous success is not only due to technical innovations such as the Internet and ever-increasing bandwidths.

Gaming increasingly uses the popularity of movies to promote its own products and stand out from the mass of new productions. For this purpose, the developers acquire the appropriate licenses and throw the accompanying games on the market shortly after the cinema release.

Jumanji and Jurassic World

These can be found in all shapes and sizes. Films are not only being turned into board games today, but also into console or online games. As soon as a film, such as "Jumanji", is successful in the cinema, it becomes interesting for the gaming industry. No wonder that "Jumanji" can also be played as a slot, after all the cinema adventure was one of the big surprise hits of the season back then. In this case, the film was also about a board game that almost screamed for an appropriate implementation by the gaming industry.

In the slot, the player also dives into the world of the magical board game "Jumanji". In order to create the right atmosphere, the slot machine offers great animations. The creatures from the jungle move across the screen, the sound creates jungle feeling. This is how the developers create a fantasy world.

The terrifying dinosaurs from "Jurassic World" also move around in the wild. The slot shows the environment that film fans already know from the numerous blockbusters in the cinema. The slot machine lets them slip into the role of a researcher who sets out in search of the big win. The bonus rounds are closely based on the film "Jurassic World".

Blade Runner and Star Wars

Sometimes films need some time. That was also the case with "Blade Runner". The groundbreaking science fiction film initially turned out to be a failure in the cinema, but the philosophically tinged film eventually prevailed. Decades later, a sequel followed, a video game followed. But there the developers don't tell the film story, but let a parallel story run. Here too it is a matter of finding the replicants, but this time there are numerous intersections with the film plot.

"Star Wars" has long inspired and made reality an innumerable number of games. That's no wonder, after all the film series is considered the mother of all merchandising. George Lucas once secured the rights to the marketing of his invention as a young director. At a time when merchandising didn't play a role at all, the industry exploded after the success of the first cinema film. Lucas is said to have made a fortune with it, today the marketing as a video game has become quite self-evident. Whoever is enthusiastic

Endless Superheroes

What works well in the movies also carries over to the gaming world. The big screen has been dominated for years by the superheroes from Marvel. DC is also trying to establish its heroes in parallel. Both comic giants have been playing a big role in the video game industry for a long time. Whether it's "Batman," "Spiderman," or "Wolverine" from the "X-Men," they've all found their audience. Given the overwhelming success at the box office, the licenses are among the most sought-after commodities among video game producers. After all, the implementation for PC or console guarantees the same success if the developers rely on an exciting story and excellent graphics.

But it doesn't always have to be the movie that inspires gaming producers to commission a playable implementation. More and more often, Hollywood is taking the same path and filming successful games. The best example of this was the "Lara Croft" movies with Angelina Jolie in the lead role. They tried to repeat the immense success of the figure in the movies. This only partially succeeded, but it triggered a whole flood of video game adaptations. The most successful series is probably "Resident Evil." It made the until then relatively unknown ex-model Milla Jovovich a star. "Resident Evil" has not lost any of its pulling power to this day, after all Netflix also jumped on the bandwagon and produced a series that will be released this summer. Movies and video games can benefit from each other. This has worked well in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

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