Lost Ark - The June Update is Here!

14 June 2023
Lost Ark - The June Update is Here!

Discover the continent of Elgacia and other exciting updates

Helden von Arkesia, the June update for Lost Ark is coming tomorrow and brings a wealth of new content. Maintenance will begin on June 13 at 12 PM PDT (8 AM UTC) and is expected to last for 4 hours. Get ready for the new continent of Elgacia with a cinematic storyline and an endgame abyss dungeon. Additionally, there will be summer swimsuit cosmetics and a Balthorr event raid. Learn all about the new content, events, skins, and updates in this article!

The new continent of Elgacia in focus

The demon invasion is starting in South Vern and the power of the Legion Commanders is growing through the chaos gates all over the world. With the impending resurrection of Kazeros through the dimensional rift, it's time for the gates of Elgacia to open. Kadan and Nineveh will lead you to Elgacia, the land of the Lazeniths. Explore Ereonnor, the city of light, the blessed Hestera Garden, and the sacred mountain of Phylantos on the continent of Elgacia as you uncover the secrets of the Lazeniths.

Elgacia offers diverse content

The continent of Elgacia includes numerous new features such as a field boss named Israfel, Elgacia adventurer's tome, wandering merchants, rapport NPCs and quests, as well as new collectibles, titles, achievements, maps, and card sets. Additionally, Elgacia offers jukebox songs and a knowledge transfer.

Kayangel: The Light's Sanctuary Abyssal Dungeon

Upon completing the Elgacia story, an abyssal dungeon called Kayangel becomes accessible. Face off against the Light Guardians in the 'Eternal Cradle of Light' in two difficulty levels: Normal (item level 1540+) and Hard (item level 1580+). The higher the difficulty, the more impressive the rewards.

Balthorr Raid Event for special rewards

Balthorr has had too much beer and is drunk. Calm him down in the Balthorr Raid Event to receive special rewards. Complete the quests to unlock a ticket for the Balthorr Raid Event and work together with others to calm Balthorr. Collect event tokens and exchange them for special rewards!

General updates: Fortunespire Part II, Mokoko Buff, and Ability Stone Upgrades

The update also brings Fortunespire Part II with the final 25 floors and an expanded Mokoko Buff. Additionally, a system has been added that allows players to upgrade relic ability stones up to ancient.

New summer cosmetics and shop update

The in-game shop has been updated with new card packs and summer cosmetics such as swimwear, windsurfer mounts, and frog pets have been added.

Preview: Ark Pass Season 3 starting soon

Ark Pass Season 3 will start in one week on June 21st. Stay tuned for more details and a preview of the new cosmetics!

That's all in the June update of Lost Ark - but keep an eye out for Ark Pass Season 3, which offers more exciting rewards! In the meantime, we'll see you in Arkesia.