Kerbal Space Program 2 - Updates from the developer AMA and exciting features!

03 April 2023, 20:10 / by Fabian Roßbach
Kerbal Space Program 2 - Updates from the developer AMA and exciting features!

We have great news for all fans of Kerbal Space Program: Last week, an exciting Ask Me Anything (AMA) was held on Discord with Creative Director Nate Simpson. Many questions about Kerbal Space Program 2 (KSP2) were asked and answered. We have summarized the most important information and exciting features for you!

Development and Community Feedback

The developers of KSP2 use direct feedback from the community to continuously improve the game. The focus is currently on stability, performance, and new features, with the implementation of heat being next on the agenda. We can hardly wait for deeper insights into the development work and the next steps for KSP2!

Rockets and Parts

Nate emphasizes that thorough research is conducted for the selection of rockets and space parts in KSP2. They work closely with experts like Dr. Uni Shumlak from the University of Washington. New parts and features are rarely rejected; instead, they are often postponed as there are more important things to do.

Science Mode

The popular Science Mode will also be available in KSP2, which will be similar to the KSP1 experience. The differences lie mainly in the fact that players are encouraged to explore more and visit all celestial bodies. In addition, there will be an optional mission system that offers rewards for certain tasks.


Nate highlights the diversity of resources as a particularly exciting feature in the Exploration Mode. There is no planned limit to the size of colonies, giving players free rein in their design. However, computer performance could be a limiting factor in some cases.


The implementation of interstellar travel and the associated challenges are a central theme for the future of KSP2. The stars will move and serve as targets that must be reached with rockets.


In multiplayer mode, players will play with separate timelines, and there will be a reconciliation phase when they interact with each other. Nate emphasizes, however, that single-player KSP2 will still have its place.


Nate is impressed by the existing number of mods and particularly praises one by LinuxGuruGamer. He also mentions work on optimizing polygon counts.

Post 1.0 Launch

Nate sees the possibility of KSP2 being further developed after the 1.0 release, similar to how KSP received updates for over a decade. He personally wants to add VR support, but this will only be discussed after 1.0.

Now you're up to date on Kerbal Space Program 2! We can't wait to see all these exciting features in the game and are excited to see what the future of KSP2 will bring. Stay tuned for more updates and news from Keyfuchs!

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