Kerbal Space Program 2 - The Latest Updates

23 June 2023, 08:27 / by Fabian Roßbach
Kerbal Space Program 2 - The Latest Updates

Welcome back to Kerbal Space Program 2!

Space enthusiasts, you'll be pleased to hear that there are some exciting updates and bug fixes for the popular space adventure game Kerbal Space Program 2! In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about the latest updates, including Flight & Map, EVA, optimizations, and Parts & Rovers.

Flight & Map: More Control and Flexibility

The developers have added some cool features that give you even more control over your spacecraft. You can now toggle the visibility of some 3D map elements and use a multi-joint system for wings. Additionally, new IVA Kerbal animations have been added to depict reactions to and recovery from non-catastrophic impact events. Furthermore, a player setting has been added to toggle the navball in map view.

EVA: Adjustment of Kerbal Eye Material Over-Reflectivity

A small but significant detail: the developers have adjusted the over-reflectivity of Kerbal eye materials. This makes the little astronauts look even more realistic and authentic.

Optimizations: Better Performance through New Compute Kernel and Cloud Shader Algorithm

To further improve the game's performance, a new compute kernel has been added to improve terrain performance, as well as an optimized cloud shader algorithm to improve GPU performance.

Save & Load: Vehicle Under Terrain Bug Fixed

An annoying bug has been fixed: vehicles appearing under the terrain when a saved game with EVA Kerbal in focus was loaded. This should no longer happen!

Parts & Rover Vehicles: New Parts for Your Spaceship

The developers have added some new parts that allow you to customize your spaceship. These include A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.S., various Clamp-O-Tron docking ports, and Methalox fuel tank parts. Additionally, there are new Cornet, Trumpet, and Tuba engine parts for even more variety in constructing your spaceship.

UI / UX: Customizable Flight HUD UI Scaling and Splash Screen Bypass Option

To make the player experience even more enjoyable, flight HUD UI scaling has been added to player settings. Additionally, there is now a player-controlled splash screen bypass option.

Construction: VAB No Longer Unresponsive

Another bug has been fixed: the VAB became unresponsive after clicking on the fairing edit button and performing another action. This should no longer occur.

Environments: Adjusted PQS Transition Range for Vall

The game's environments have also been improved. The PQS transition range for Vall has been adjusted.

FX & Audio: Adjustment of VFX for Launch Clamps

Finally, the VFX for launch clamps have been adjusted to provide an even more realistic player experience.

Conclusion: A Well-Rounded Update for Kerbal Space Program 2

The developers have made many improvements and bug fixes with this update, making the player experience in Kerbal Space Program 2 even better. New parts and optimizations provide more fun and customization options. If you don't already own the game or want to secure the latest Steam key, visit us and get your Kerbal Space Program 2 key!

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