Last Epoch - Update fixes numerous bugs

20 March 2023, 21:19 / by Tom Schwiha
Last Epoch - Update fixes numerous bugs

A new update for the popular online role-playing game Last Epoch is now available, addressing some of the bugs reported by the community. The game is known for its immersive world and complex characters, but also for the occurrence of errors that can affect the gaming experience. We have summarized the most important fixes.

Fixed issues with online save data

In rare cases, players could be forced to start from an earlier save after a rollback. The new update fixes this issue and eliminates other possible causes for rollbacks.

Druid Transformation Bug Fixed

Another bug that was affecting some players was the occurrence of shifted actions in the Druid Transformation build. These bugs resulted in the human build's action bar being empty. With the new correction, this problem has been resolved.

Skill Bugs Fixed

There were a variety of bugs that were affecting the use of skills. The update fixes these bugs and gives the player full control over their skills. This means that the player can now use skills like "Lunge" with the intended number of charges.

Unresponsive Reward Stone Fixed

Another bug that frustrated many players was an unresponsive reward stone in the world "Echo of a World". This bug prevented players from using the correct reward stone. With the new correction, players can now collect rewards without any restrictions.

Liath and Thetima Quest Fixed

A bug in the Liath and Thetima quest caused players to get stuck and unable to progress. The new patch has fixed this bug, and players can now complete the quest without any issues.

Enemy Bugs Fixed

In addition to the above fixes, the new update has also fixed some bugs with enemy characters. For example, the Void Despairs had a bug that caused them to sink into the ground after death. These bugs have been fixed with the update, improving the overall player experience. Overall, the new update has fixed many of the reported bugs. The developers continue to work to make the game even better and improve the player experience.

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