League of Legends - MMO Producer Greg Street leaves Riot Games

09 March 2023, 20:28 / by Fabian Roßbach
League of Legends - MMO Producer Greg Street leaves Riot Games

Greg Street, the producer of the upcoming League of Legends MMO by Riot Games, has announced that he will be leaving the company. In a tweet thread, he explained his reasons for the move. He wants to be closer to his family after they suffered significant personal losses last year. Additionally, after nine years at Riot Games, he feels it is time for something new.

The MMO development continues

First and foremost, fans of the upcoming MMO can breathe a sigh of relief: Greg Street's departure reportedly has no impact on the game's development. In another tweet, he assured fans that it was already in good hands and production would continue as planned.

The next steps for the Riot MMO

In another tweet thread, Riot Games President Marc Merrill provided insight into the game's current developments. While the MMO is still in its early stages of development, the team is enthusiastic about the project. "We believe in this game and the team working on it," he wrote. "If we think of development as a race, Greg has already completed an amazing first leg with an incredible team, and I know whoever takes the next leg will be well-equipped for future success."

A change for Greg Street

However, Greg Street will no longer be a part of Riot Games. After nine years, it is time for him to make a change. During the period of mourning for his personal losses, Street had time to reflect on his career. "Grief has a way of bringing into focus the things that matter most to you," he wrote. "And after nine years at Riot, it feels like it's time for something new!" He plans to continue working in game development and is looking forward to playing the Riot MMO when it is released.

What does this mean for fans of the upcoming MMO?

For fans of the upcoming League of Legends MMO from Riot Games, Greg Street's departure does not change anything for now. Production continues as planned and the team is working enthusiastically to complete the game. We are excited to see what's in store and look forward to playing the game in the future.

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