Lethal Company Tips and Tricks - The Ultimate Survival Guide

14 January 2024, 15:00 / by Tom Schwiha
Lethal Company Tips and Tricks - The Ultimate Survival Guide

Welcome to the fascinating world of Lethal Company! Imagine diving into a cooperative dungeon-delving game where every step is a fight for survival.

In this game, you find yourself in an extremely hostile environment, where you and your team battle for valuable pieces of scrap. What sets Lethal Company apart is the unique combination of survival combat and strategic planning. You explore dangerous areas, similar to paranormal investigation games, but instead of hunting ghosts, you collect materials and try to return alive.

The dynamics of the game are determined by individual runs, where you must fulfill certain quotas within a set time. If you fail, the run starts over. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know to succeed in the world of Lethal Company.

Game Concept and Core Mechanics

Lethal Company is a game that immerses you and your team in the heart of a ruthless and dangerous world. Your primary goal? Survive and collect scrap to meet predetermined quotas. Each playthrough, or run, is a new challenge. You start with a set time limit and a specific quota to achieve. If you succeed, you progress to the next run, where the challenges and quotas increase. But be careful: if you fail or die too often, the game starts over.

The centerpiece of Lethal Company is the spaceship, your mobile base. Here, you receive important information about your current quota and remaining time. The ship is also where you buy equipment and plan your next moves. It's important to note that each run is unique. The environments you land in are built differently each time and host different challenges and resources.

One of the key components of the game is effective time management. Each day in a run represents a period of time in which you can land on a moon and collect scrap. But beware: as the day progresses, more monsters appear, both inside and outside the facilities, increasing the danger. At midnight, the ship automatically leaves the moon - if you're not on board, everything you've collected stays behind.

Another important component is resource management. You must decide which equipment and items to purchase and how to best use them to maximize your chances of survival and meet your quotas. These decisions are crucial to your success in each run.

In Lethal Company, no mission is like the other, and the variety of challenges and environments creates constant tension and excitement. With each new run, you learn more about the game and develop new strategies to lead yourself and your team to success.

The Foundation: The Spaceship

Your spaceship in Lethal Company is more than just a means of transportation - it is your command center and your sanctuary. There are two main areas on the ship that are crucial to your success: the monitor and the terminal.

Main Screens and Their Functions

The Monitor: Here, you can see the positions of your team members and the details of the current location. The monitor is crucial for planning your landings on the moons. You can land on a moon or take off from it, adjusting your plans to the changing circumstances.

The Terminal: This is the heart of your equipment and mission planning. At the terminal, you purchase vital equipment and plan the transition to new locations. The terminal also allows the player in the role of the commander to interact with objects and items in the facility you have landed on.

Before embarking on an expedition, it is important to choose the right location. You have a limited number of days to fulfill your quota, and each day on a moon counts as a full deployment. This means that time management and selecting the right moon locations are crucial.

Once you land on a moon to collect scrap, you spend the entire day there. When you leave the moon, the day is over.

A typical day in Lethal Company starts at 8:02 a.m. This gives you the opportunity to explore and plunder the facility. But be warned: as it gets later, more monsters appear both inside and outside the facility, significantly increasing the risk. At midnight, the ship automatically leaves the moon. If you're not on board, you lose everything you've collected.

So, interaction with the terminal and the monitor is crucial. You must constantly observe your surroundings, keep track of time, and ensure that you and your team members return to the ship in time. By skillfully managing your base - the spaceship - you increase your chances of success in this dangerous game of survival and valuable resource acquisition.

Expeditions and Moon Landings

Choosing the right moon for your expedition in Lethal Company is an art in itself. Each moon offers different challenges and rewards, so it's important to make your decisions strategically.

Moon Categories: The moons in Lethal Company can be divided into three categories:

  1. Easy Moons: These are ideal for beginners as they pose the least danger and do not incur travel costs. Here, you will find fewer valuable resources but also less aggressive enemies.

  2. Medium Moons: These offer a greater challenge and, accordingly, better loot. Although they are also free to reach, you will encounter more dangerous opponents here.

  3. Difficult Moons: They are highly dangerous but also rich in valuable scrap. Traveling to these moons costs credits, so you should only consider them when you have sufficient resources and experience.

Weather Conditions: Pay attention to the weather conditions of each moon. Fog, storms, floods, and other weather effects can significantly complicate your expedition. For example:

  • Foggy: Reduced visibility outside the facility, making orientation difficult.
  • Stormy: Danger from lightning strikes, especially when carrying metallic objects.
  • Flooded: Some areas are inaccessible, and movement is hindered.
  • Eclipse: Starts the day in complete darkness, immediately increasing the danger from monsters.

When selecting a moon, consider these conditions to maximize your chances of survival.

The Facility: Once you land on a moon, you have from 8:02 a.m. until midnight to explore the facility and collect scrap. The facilities are randomly generated dungeons that differ with each visit. Use the right mouse button to scan for enemies or objects nearby and always stay alert. Remember that each facility has at least two entrances, providing you with alternative escape routes.

Choosing the right moon and effectively utilizing the available time are crucial to your success in Lethal Company. Plan carefully and be prepared to face the challenges that each new day brings.

Collecting Scrap and Surviving in Facilities

Collecting scrap in Lethal Company is your main objective, but it is also one of the biggest challenges. Once you enter a facility, your fight for survival and valuable resources begins.

Collecting scrap: Your goal is to collect as much scrap as possible to meet your quotas. Scrap can be found in various forms, from small handheld items to large, heavy objects that require both hands to carry. Note that while carrying a heavy object, you cannot pick up or interact with other items. Therefore, it is important to use your four inventory slots wisely and collect smaller items first before attempting the larger ones.

Survival strategies: The facilities are full of dangers, including monsters, traps, and other obstacles.

You will encounter different types of monsters that appear at different times of the day, with their activity increasing at night. It is crucial to constantly scan your surroundings and be prepared for potential threats.

  • Monsters: Each type of monster has its own behavior and weaknesses. Some may be easy to avoid, while others pose a greater threat. Learn their patterns and find ways to either bypass or fight them.
  • Traps and obstacles: In the facilities, you will also come across various traps, such as landmines and steam valves that can impair your vision. Always be attentive and watch out for warning signs to avoid these hazards.

Time management: One of the biggest challenges is time management. You only have until midnight to collect scrap and return to the ship. The later it gets, the more dangerous the environment becomes. It is important to find a balance between collecting scrap and making a timely retreat.

Returning to the ship: Remember that everything you collect is worthless if you don't bring it back to the ship. Anything that is not on board when the ship lifts off will be lost. Therefore, it is crucial to safely transport your collected items to the ship and survive. The journey back to the ship can be just as perilous as the collection itself, especially as night falls and more monsters appear.

Dealing with hazards: In the facilities, you will not only encounter monsters but also automated turrets that can attack you upon sight. You can temporarily disable them with weapons or deactivate them at the terminal on the ship. Handling environmental obstacles like steam valves or landmines also requires caution and strategic thinking.

By learning to collect efficiently while managing the numerous hazards, you increase your chances of survival and success in Lethal Company. Each facility and each run offers new challenges and learning opportunities.

Tips for Beginners

If you're new to Lethal Company, the world of the game can seem overwhelming at first. Here are some basic tips to help you get off to a successful start:

  1. Learn the Basics: Take the time to understand the game and its mechanics. Practice navigating your ship, collecting scrap, and dealing with monsters in safer environments before venturing into more challenging areas.

  2. Equipment is Key: Invest in useful equipment that increases your chances of survival. A good example is the flashlight, which helps you see better in dark areas. Other useful items include boomboxes to distract enemies and walkie-talkies for communication.

  3. Manage Your Time: Keep an eye on the time. Make sure you have enough time to return to the ship before midnight strikes. Leave the facility in time to avoid being left behind.

  4. Know Your Enemies: Each monster has its own strengths and weaknesses. Use the scanner to gather information about them and add them to your bestiary. This will help you develop effective strategies against them.

  5. Utilize Teamwork: Work closely with your team. Divide tasks and communicate constantly to ensure everyone knows what to do. A well-coordinated group is much more effective.

  6. Learn from Mistakes: Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Lethal Company is a game where you learn through experience. Every failure offers an opportunity to improve your strategies and learn from your mistakes.

  1. Be Careful with Heavy Items: While large, valuable items can be tempting, remember that they restrict your mobility. Collect smaller items first before tackling the larger ones.

  2. Avoid Excessive Risks: It may be tempting to take risks for extra scrap, but sometimes it's wiser to be content with what you can safely collect and return to the ship.

By following these tips, you'll lay a solid foundation for your adventures in Lethal Company. With each expedition, you'll become more confident and skilled in dealing with the challenges the game presents.

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