Life is Feudal: MMO - The Comeback with a Subscription Fee - All Information about the Game's Revival and Monthly Subscription

10 June 2023, 20:41 / by Fabian Roßbach
Life is Feudal: MMO - The Comeback with a Subscription Fee - All Information about the Game's Revival and Monthly Subscription

The Revival of Life is Feudal: MMO

Imagine an abandoned game coming back to life, but with a subscription fee of $20 per month. That's exactly what's happening with Life is Feudal: MMO, which is being revived after financial difficulties. The question now is whether players can accept this fee and whether it's worth the money.

What Can You Expect for $20 per Month?

During the testing phase, the game costs $20 per month without a premium shop, boosters, or pay-to-win mechanics. The new publisher, Long Tale Games, promises full access to all game content without additional in-game purchases. However, the duration of the playtest has not yet been determined.

The Subscription and its Terms

If the playtest is paused, the 20 euro subscription fee will also be paused. Once the game goes live, you can access the game as long as your subscription is active. No additional purchases or cash shop items are required. The decision now lies with the players: is Life is Feudal: MMO worth the monthly subscription of 20 euros?

The Future of Life is Feudal: MMO

It remains to be seen how the return of Life is Feudal: MMO will develop and whether players are willing to pay such a fee. However, the revival of the game shows that there is still a loyal fan base looking for a unique gaming experience.

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Your Opinion Counts!

What do you think of the revival of Life is Feudal: MMO and the 20 euro monthly fee? Would you pay for it or do you think it's too expensive? Share your opinion with us in the comments!

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