League of Legends - A detailed look at Patch 13.19

27 September 2023 / by Tom Schwiha
League of Legends - A detailed look at Patch 13.19

Overview of the Changes

League of Legends is constantly undergoing changes, whether it's through a new hotfix to address major issues or a comprehensive update to solve many. The game's 13.19 update is underway, and it's a massive update with many champion nerfs, but even more buffs.

The adjustments to LoL characters aren't the only things coming with Riot Games' big update, as the developer is introducing new rank restrictions and making changes to in-game pinging to combat toxicity. From Briar nerfs to Twitch buffs, here's what to expect.

Champion Adjustments: Who is Weaker, Who is Stronger?

If you've been playing Riot's iconic MOBA since Briar joined the game, you know what a rollercoaster ride the latest champion of League of Legends has been on. Initially, the lovable vampire wasn't strong enough. After a patch, she became a bit too powerful. Patch 13.19 aims to balance Briar now that "players have learned the ins and outs of her kit and item builds."

Weakening and Strengthening in Detail

  • Briar's attack speed growth, healing from Blood Frenzy, and maximum percentage health damage against minions and monsters are reduced.
  • Azir's Conquering Sands cooldown is increased.
  • LeBlanc's AD growth, attack speed ratio, mana growth, and mana regeneration growth are reduced.
  • Rek'Sai's passive healing, Q damage, and W bonus movement speed are reduced.
  • Renekton's base magic resistance and Zeri's base movement speed are reduced.
  • Galio and Gangplank have shorter cooldowns for their ultimate abilities, while Jhin's ultimate ability will deal more physical damage.
  • Lee Sin's base armor, E magic damage, W lifesteal, and spell vamp are increased.

Measures Against Toxicity and New Skins

In addition to the changes to the champions, Riot is targeting toxicity within ranked games. If you receive penalties for disruptive behavior, you can now also receive rank restrictions. The developer states that these "prevent you from playing ranked game modes until you've cleared them." To reactivate ranked play, you must play five games in a non-ranked game mode.

Other general changes and fixes accompanying 13.19 include accessibility updates, bug fixes, and a range of eye-catching new skins. Nidalee, Renata, Ziggs, Qiyana, Draven, and Gnar are receiving stunning La Ilusión skins, with Renata also getting a prestige version. These skins are colorful and perfect for the autumn season, inspired by Mexico's Día de Muertos holiday. You can check out the skins along with Riot's full 13.19 patch notes.

What's Next?

For a better understanding of your favorite champions and all the overpowered characters after the update, you can take a look at our comprehensive LoL tier list. If you're more interested in the fancy skins, be sure to read our guide to other upcoming League of Legends skins to satisfy your passion for fashion.

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