League of Legends Patch 13.7 - The Changes You Need to Know

04 April 2023
League of Legends Patch 13.7 - The Changes You Need to Know

The latest patch 13.7 of League of Legends is here and brings a lot of fresh changes. From champion adjustments to cool new skins and interesting nerfs and buffs, we have all the information for you. Grab a cup of coffee and let's dive into the world of Runeterra together.

The Nerfs: Lee Sin, Sejuani and Vi

We start with the most anticipated nerfs in this patch. Lee Sin, Sejuani and Vi have drawn the wrath of the developers and are getting some setbacks. Here are the details:

  • Lee Sin's base attack damage and armor have been slightly reduced.
  • Vi has been shifted more towards AD to reduce the build-up of tank items.
  • Sejuani's abilities Arctic Assault (Q) and Glacial Prison (R) now have longer cooldowns and the damage cap of her passive ability has been lowered.

These nerfs should push back the meta junglers a bit and give other champions the chance to rise in the hierarchy.

Other Champion Adjustments

In addition to the major nerfs, there are also a number of smaller adjustments to other champions. For example:

  1. Kha'Zix receives changes to his Q and W abilities, as well as an extension of the buff duration of his R ability.
  2. Thresh gets a reduction in the cooldown refund of his Q ability.
  3. Alistar and Azir receive improvements to their base stats and abilities.
  4. Graves, Kalista, Katarina and Yasuo receive buffs to their abilities.
  5. Annie, Olaf, Rammus, Veigar, Wukong and Zeri receive nerfs to their abilities.

These adjustments should make the game more exciting and varied and bring some previously neglected champions back into the spotlight.

New Skins and Chromas

As with every patch, patch 13.7 also brings new skins and chromas. This time we can look forward to the following new designs:

  • Kibble-Head Kled
  • Kittalee - The perfect combination of cat and Nidalee
  • Shiba Yuumi
  • Woof and Lamb Kindred

So grab your favorite skins and chromas before they disappear from the shop!

Conclusion: Patch 13.7 brings fresh air into the game

All in all, patch 13.7 brings some interesting adjustments that should shake up the gameplay. With the changes to the meta junglers, there could be room for new faces on the higher ranks of the tier list. The additional skins and chromas are the icing on the cake and provide even more fun and variety. So what are you waiting for? Log in and try out the new adjustments for yourself!