Mario Kart 8 - Release date and all tracks of the 3rd DLC wave

22 November 2022, 20:47 / by Tom Schwiha
Mario Kart 8 - Release date and all tracks of the 3rd DLC wave

The release date for the third wave of the track booster pass for Mario Kart 8 has been announced. In addition, the 8 tracks are known. The previously vague statement of a release of the DLC wave in winter 2022 has now been concretized. It should be on December 7, 2022. So soon Mario Kart Deluxe will shine with new tracks that will challenge us.

In total, there should be 8 new tracks in wave 3. Among them in the Moon Cup: Pavement of Berlin (known from Mario Kart Tour), Peaches Castle Garden (known from Mario Kart DS), Mountain Christmas (completely new, also appearing in Mario Kart Tour), Rainbow Boulevard (known from Mario Kart 7). In the Rock Cup, however, we will find tracks such as London Tour (known from Mario Kart Tour), Buu-Huu Valley (known from Mario Kart Super Circuit), Mountain Path (known from Mario Kart 7) and Leafwood (known from Mario Kart Wii).

One important info at the end: The tracks are graphically revised tracks from old Mario Kart parts, that's why the "original" is given in brackets. All tracks should be published by the end of 2023, new characters have not been announced so far. You will find the cheapest Mario Kart 8 Key of course on Keyfuchs.

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