Microsoft Flight Simulator - Aircraft & Avionics Update 2

26 May 2023
Microsoft Flight Simulator - Aircraft & Avionics Update 2

Aircraft & Avionics Update 2 (AAU_02) in testing

The developers at Asobo and Working Title are hard at work on the next major update for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The Aircraft & Avionics Update 2 (AAU_02) is currently in testing, with a new beta build expected to be released in the coming days. Once it is released, the patch notes will be made available in the official forum.

Beta sign-up and feedback

A big thank you to everyone who has already signed up for the test and downloaded the beta build. The developers greatly appreciate the community's feedback and carefully consider all comments and bug reports. If you haven't joined the beta yet but would like to test the next major version of Microsoft Flight Simulator, you can find instructions on how to sign up in the official forum.

The History of Microsoft Flight Simulator

For those who missed it, the over 40-year history of the Microsoft Flight Simulator series was recently the subject of an in-depth article by Preston Lerner, published by the National Air and Space Museum. The article includes quotes from Bruce Artwick, the founder of subLOGIC and the original creator of Flight Simulator, as well as other contributors to the series over the years, including the current MSFS head Jörg Neumann.

A Look into the Past

Bruce Artwick developed the first version of the Flight Simulator in the early 1980s. At that time, it was still known as subLOGIC Flight Simulator and was later acquired by Microsoft. Since then, the game has continued to evolve, offering stunning graphics and realistic aircraft models.

The Evolution of Microsoft Flight Simulator

With each update and new version, both the graphical and technical capabilities of the game have been improved. Over the years, the flight simulation has become more and more adapted to real conditions. Today, thanks to advanced technologies such as satellite imagery and photorealistic rendering, players can experience a nearly perfect simulation of flying.

The Community behind the Game

One of the strengths of Microsoft Flight Simulator is the community that has formed around the game over the years. From add-ons and modifications to online flight schools, the community offers a wealth of opportunities to customize and expand the gaming experience.

The Future of Microsoft Flight Simulator

The future of Microsoft Flight Simulator looks promising. With ongoing updates and improvements, the game will continue to set new standards in realism and precision. The developers are constantly working to make the gaming experience even more impressive, while taking into account feedback and requests from the community.

If you want to learn more about the fascinating history of Microsoft Flight Simulator, be sure to check out Preston Lerner's article at the National Air and Space Museum. And don't forget to hit the "bell" icon in the official forum to stay up to date on news about the Microsoft Flight Simulator!