Midnight Ghost Hunt - Release Date Revealed

05 March 2024
Midnight Ghost Hunt - Release Date Revealed

Midnight Ghost Hunt, the multiplayer game that combines the hunting mechanics of Dead by Daylight with the chaotic fun of Prop Hunt, is finally leaving Early Access. If you've ever wondered what it would be like to possess an everyday object like a lamp as a ghost and wreak havoc, this game might be just right for you.

A World Full of Ghosts and Hunters

In Midnight Ghost Hunt, there are two factions: the Hunters and the Ghosts. The Hunters, reminiscent of the killers from Dead by Daylight, form teams of four players to hunt down four mischievous ghosts - the survivors in this bizarre world. As one of the "good guys" in the game, you can equip a variety of ghost-busting weapons, including a spectral cannon that can "blast ghosts to pieces," as stated on the official Steam page.

On the other hand, if you play as a ghost, you have mystical powers at your disposal, allowing you to hurl objects at unsuspecting victims, summon foul-smelling miasmas, and even transform into household appliances - yes, including lamps.

The Witching Hour Approaches

But that's not all: when the clock strikes midnight, the witching hour begins, and the ghosts become even more unpredictable. The Hunters must eliminate all ghosts before midnight to avoid being violently murdered - time is, therefore, a crucial factor.

Official Release on March 21st

It has now been officially announced that Midnight Ghost Hunt will be leaving its Early Access phase on Thursday, March 21st. Version 1.0 will overhaul several maps of the game, with changes ranging from visual adjustments to complete overhauls to enhance the overall gameplay experience.

If you're eager to dive into the action, make sure to grab the game here. In the meantime, if you're looking for something to pass the time until the release of version 1.0, you can browse through our list of the best free Steam games.