The Best Minecraft Legends Upgrades - Optimize Your Game with Our Tips

18 April 2023, 20:10 / by Tom Schwiha
The Best Minecraft Legends Upgrades - Optimize Your Game with Our Tips

Minecraft Legends Upgrades: What You Need to Know

Looking for the best Minecraft Legends upgrades? The action-strategy game offers a handful of different upgrades to choose from, but it's not immediately clear which ones are the most advantageous. We explain which upgrades you should aim for first.

At the beginning of Minecraft Legends, you'll notice that the amount of Prismarine steadily increases. This resource is exclusively used for purchasing upgrades. We'll show you the best upgrades to spend your hard-earned Prismarine on.

The Best Upgrades in Minecraft Legends

If you can afford it, we recommend purchasing the "Cure Netherrock" upgrade. This allows you to convert Netherrock into normal soil and build in hostile bases. This is essential as it allows mobs to spawn closer and enables you to build arrow towers.

Next, the "Gather Redstone" upgrade is important. This resource is mainly used to spawn zombies and build Redstone launchers. The launchers allow you to launch powerful attacks on buildings or enemies from a safe distance. Unlocking this ability earlier in the game can help you progress faster. Also, unlock the diamond and coal upgrades as soon as you obtain zombies and creepers.

Another useful upgrade in Minecraft Legends is "Wake the Firsts". Purchase this upgrade only when you have at least 100 gold and have found a large golem on your map. These golems are valuable allies as they are immortal and provide you with additional small golems without having to spawn them yourself.

You will likely find that your Prismarine supply is full. The "Allay Storage" upgrade is useful in many ways as it allows you to store an additional 150 Prismarine.

Once you can store at least 400 Prismarine, focus on increasing your Flames of Creation. There are two upgrades for this: "Flames of Creation" and "Large Flames of Creation". DO NOT purchase the smaller upgrade. The larger upgrade costs twice as much but gives you 10 flames instead of just 4. Wait until you can afford the larger one. The "Banner" upgrade is also important as it allows you to command more mobs at once. Both upgrades should be purchased to command enough troops.

The other upgrades in Minecraft Legends are also useful but do not need to be purchased immediately. The "Shared Village Chests" upgrade is handy if you don't want to travel to villages to collect rewards. The "Abundant Allays" upgrade, on the other hand, can be neglected. The "Expert Carpentry" upgrade may also be less relevant to you.

If you follow these recommendations, you will progress smoothly in Minecraft Legends and obtain the best upgrades.

Additional Resources

Now that you know the best Minecraft Legends upgrades and can successfully fight the Piglin invasion, if you're interested in PvP mode, check out our Minecraft Legends multiplayer guide. And if you're looking for more games, here are the best PC games packed with great content.

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