Minecraft Legends Golem Guide - Cost, Strengths, and Weaknesses

24 April 2023, 10:06 / by Tom Schwiha
Minecraft Legends Golem Guide - Cost, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Minecraft Legends and its Golems

In Minecraft Legends, there are various types of Golems available to players. Each has its own costs, weaknesses, and strengths. There are a total of four types of Golems and four First-types, which are advanced versions of Golems. In this article, you will learn everything about these creatures and how to best use them.

The different Golems and their creation

To create one of the four types of Golems, you will need resources such as wood, stone, or iron, as well as Lapis Lazuli for summoning. Here is a list of the individual Golem types and their costs:

  • Plank Golem: Spawner Cost: 25 wood and 25 stone; Summoning Cost: 1 wood and 1 Lapis Lazuli; Description: A short-range attack unit with strong damage against Piglin enemies, but little health.
  • Cobblestone Golem: Spawner Cost: 25 wood and 25 stone; Summoning Cost: 1 stone and 1 Lapis Lazuli; Description: A melee unit that specializes in destroying buildings but does not inflict much damage against Piglins.
  • Grindstone Golem: Spawner Cost: 25 wood, 25 stone, and 5 iron; Summoning Cost: 1 iron and 1 Lapis Lazuli; Description: Stuns Piglins without causing much damage and breaks up larger groups. A resilient melee unit.
  • Mossy Golem: Spawner Cost: 25 wood, 25 stone, and 5 iron; Summoning Cost: 1 iron and 1 Lapis Lazuli; Description: Does not attack, instead heals nearby allies and removes status effects, including those of the hero.

The different types of Golems have their own strengths and weaknesses, so you should use them according to the situation. In the following, you will learn more about the use of the different Golems in Minecraft Legends.

The Different Firsts and Their Creation

The four types of Firsts are more powerful versions of Golems and cost more resources to awaken. Here is a list of the individual First types and their costs:

  • First of Brick: Awakening cost: 125 iron and 100 gold; Description: Repels Piglins and creates a force field that protects allies from ranged attacks.
  • First of Diorite: Awakening cost: 125 coal and 100 gold; Description: Summons small groups of Golems regularly to fight against enemies.
  • First of Oak: Awakening cost: 500 wood and 100 gold; Description: Attacks Piglins with a strong, long-range attack that deals massive damage.
  • First of Stone: Awakening cost: 500 stone and 100 gold; Description: Throws huge rocks that cause average damage to Piglins but devastate enemy buildings from a distance.

You can only have one of each First type active during a battle. They are extremely useful in fighting against Piglins or defending your base. In the following, you will learn how to use the different Firsts in Minecraft Legends.

Reviving Golems and Firsts

If your Golems or Firsts are defeated in battle, it is possible to revive them. Defeated Golems change their spawn limit to allow for more summoned Golems. Defeated Firsts will appear at intact village fountains, well houses, or the Well of Fate after a short time.


In Minecraft Legends, Golems and Firsts are valuable allies in the fight against Piglins and in defending your base. By using the different types wisely, you can increase your chances of victory in this exciting game. Don't forget that you can find great deals on Steam keys, including Minecraft Legends, at Keyfuchs.

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