Monster Hunter Rise and Sunbreak - Free update with numerous improvements

20 March 2023, 21:25 / by Tom Schwiha
Monster Hunter Rise and Sunbreak - Free update with numerous improvements

The developers of Sunbreak and Monster Hunter Rise have great news for the hunting community: A free update offers numerous improvements! There are even two info drops about the updates that we will examine more closely here.

Weapon Adjustments

As part of the free update, there will be some adjustments to various weapon actions. The exact extent of the adjustments is not yet known, but it is assumed that players will experience new things. In particular, weapons that have been perceived as weak by the player base can hope for improvements.

Improvement of the User Interface

In Free Title Update 5, a search filter option by category will be added when creating decorations. In addition, improvements will be made to the armor and talisman management screen. These improvements make item management easier and provide an improved user experience.

Welcome to New Players

The Monster Hunter community team welcomes all new hunters who have joined during the Steam sale. The developers are sending a clear signal to support and expand the community in the game. New players can look forward to a unique experience that combines monster hunting with deep lore.

Therefore, the free Update 5 will bring some improvements and adjustments to the game and is another sign that the developers support and maintain their community. Hunters can look forward to improvements in weapons, the user interface, and better features. We are excited to see what the developers have in store for us in the future.

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