More and more releases postponed - What are the causes?

23 April 2021, 18:00 / by Tom Schwiha
More and more releases postponed - What are the causes?

More delays for upcoming releases - gamers need to be patient

2021 will be a year of postponed start dates for new games, just like 2020 was. Some games from 2020 won't be released until this year, some releases are being delayed by at least months, some games are planned for next year, and some announcements don't have a specific release date yet. The "too-late-to-come" list includes many blockbusters that are eagerly awaited by fans. All genres are affected, from open world games and shooters, to MMOs and strategy games.

So for now, fans will have to be patient. However, the current selection of new games is also not to be sneezed at. In addition, there are almost weekly releases of real money games that are usually also played on mobile phones.

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What are the reasons for all the delays?

The reasons for the late release of the previously announced games are mostly similar. On the one hand, there are the difficult working conditions during the Corona pandemic, which often completely disrupt the schedule. The protection of employees is the priority. Many things can't be programmed from home. This simply leads to significant delays.

Another no less important reason for numerous delays is the further advancement of technology and the associated possibilities, despite Corona. Often, it is only in the alpha tests that it becomes apparent that some features can be designed much better or that the graphics leave much to be desired in many places. Bugs also have to be eliminated. In order to avoid a flop, some developers simply decide to pull the emergency brake and improve first, instead of annoying the players.

The problem is that development costs are already swallowing up huge sums of money today. Just one example: the top game Red Dead Redemption cost around 100 million US dollars. The flop of a game that was originally planned

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