MultiVersus - Player peak number in decline

16 February 2023, 15:30 / by Fabian Roßbach
MultiVersus - Player peak number in decline

For the first time this week, the daily peak number of Steam players dropped below a daily peak of 1000 players.

MultiVersus had to experience an unbelievable loss of players of 99% since the release start on Monday. The game had started out extremely successful though. On the day of the release, it already had a peak of more than 143,000 players on Steam. The following day, it was even 153,433. Warner Bros also announced that one month after the start, more than 20 million players had downloaded and played the game.

Fanbase disappointed

The developers therefore assumed that their fanbase was strong enough to build on. However, the numbers have been going down for some time now. This downward trend has now led to the number of daily players dropping below 1000 for the first time this week. SteamDb published the concrete numbers: 986 was the peak at the beginning of the week. It is therefore clear that within the seven months that the game has been on the market, the decline in peak player numbers is 99.3574%.

Reasons for these drastic numbers are being investigated in the meantime. It is possible that this is a reaction of the fans to the unpopular content of the second season, as there was only one new character here, while season one had five. Season 3 was supposed to start this week, but the developers decided to postpone the release date to the end of March.

The explanation for this is not due to the current player numbers, but to give players more time to finish their Battle Pass for season 2. This has also been received negatively so far, as the players had hoped for new faces with the third season.

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