New World - Colonize the new world!

06 August 2020, 18:54 / by Tom Schwiha
New World - Colonize the new world!

Amazon's second game, New World, mixes the social component of an Eve Online with the resource management of a Minecraft and the action-RPG elements of a Dark Souls to create a new genre mix.

The game is also Amazon's most ambitious game project to date, a sandbox game created by players for players. The title New World should give you a vague idea of the game's content. The game has the colonization of a new continent in a parallel universe of the 17th century as its goal and thus falls into the same epoch in which the first settlements were created by English settlers in North America. The environment resembles an uncolonized America and consists of forest areas, lush meadows, swamps and mountain ranges.

The game world includes ancient artifacts of past cultures, but does without the representation of indigenous peoples. In addition to black powder and muskets, you also have access to spells, which highlights the supernatural character of the game world. The existence of monsters and demons does not appear artificial in this way and sets the game apart from the masses.

Just like the conquest of paradise by Columbus, the focus here is on collecting resources and protecting the land from the moment you land. Ideally, this should happen within a community within the game, similar to the trading companies that fueled the age of discovery at the beginning of the 15th century. Your community works together by pooling your resources, building bases, and later declaring war on another settlement to expand your territory. Rivals and even the elements must be defeated to conquer this new world.

In addition to combat, siege plays a major role in New World. Siege gameplay can go like this: Instead of storming another community's headquarters head-on, you carry a keg of powder to the back wall to blow it up. You light the fuse and the element of surprise from the explosion gives you the opportunity to defeat the enemy. The fight then proceeds according to the pattern known from the game Dark Souls. A bar represents your character's stamina, which decreases with each swing of your sword and is affected by items you are wearing. A misstep during the fight can have painful consequences quickly.

You should always keep an eye on your equipment. If you wear too much and too heavy armor, your stamina will decrease quickly. If you wear too little, you will fall in battle quickly. It is a constant balancing act to adjust your equipment to the current situation to be able to fight.

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