New World - The Enemy Families in Focus

02 May 2023, 09:20 / by Fabian Roßbach
New World - The Enemy Families in Focus

Greetings, adventurers!

Immortality comes at a price. Aeternum is populated by deadly enemies that range from the Ancients to the Angry Earth. Some adventurers lose their will and become one of the Lost, while others succumb to the seductive whispers of power that promote corruption. Even preserving humanity can mean having to fend off an seemingly endless flood of Varangian Knights. No one is safe on the Eternal Isle, but there is still hope.

The Narrative Team offers an in-depth analysis of enemy families in the video below:

Varangian Knights

We have summarized an interview with Narrative Designer Aaron de Orive so you can explore another enemy family - the Varangian Knights.

Here's the overview:

"When conceptualizing a human enemy faction, the idea of an order of malevolent knights was discussed. Ultimately, we settled on the Rus' Varangians, Norsemen who settled in Eastern Europe. We wanted these fearless warriors to have connections to King Artorius, first as enemies and then as uneasy allies. We also wanted their leader to be an impressive figure, someone as powerful as Artorius himself. Thus, the mighty warlord Varik was born."

"Varik was a founding member of the legendary Knights of the Round Table and traveled with Artorius to Aeternum to find the mystical land of Avalon. Varik fought alongside Artorius against the Corrupted Myrddin during the Wars of the Purple Insanity. As the forces of corruption neared victory, Varik and his Varangians withdrew to uncharted territories of Aeternum and built a new Varangian fortress there."

"Varik, known as 'The Hammer' for the strength of his blows, is an unmatched warrior. His goal is to unite all of Aeternum under his banner, but to do so he seeks the secrets of Myrddin's magic. Although this led the wise mage to become the Purple Wizard, Varik believes that mastering Aeternum's power is the only way to ensure complete control over the island. And he is determined to do so regardless of the cost."

Which enemy family would you like to learn more about?

Is there an enemy family you would like to ally with or adopt elements from? Let us know. Thank you for your support! We'll see you in Aeternum.

If you want to dive into the world of New World, visit our Steam Key page and become part of the adventure. Have fun exploring the mysterious island and fighting the terrifying enemy families!

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