New World - The Ultimate Guide to Surviving in Aeternum

13 July 2023, 04:52 / by Fabian Roßbach
New World - The Ultimate Guide to Surviving in Aeternum

Welcome to Aeternum!

Hey buddy! Grab your pickaxe and get your bow ready - we're heading to Aeternum. That's the legendary land at the heart of the brand new Amazon MMORPG New World. But be careful! It's not just home to beautiful landscapes and untouched wilderness. You'll also encounter terrifying creatures and rival colonists, all vying for control of this new paradise, just like you.

Your adventure begins

But don't worry! I'm here to guide you through the harsh and sometimes deadly landscape of New World. Whether it's battling the malevolent Corrupted or learning how to turn your own piece of land into a thriving colony, I've got you covered. So come on, pack your things - our adventure awaits!

A World Full of Possibilities

In New World, there are plenty of things to do. You can go hunting, gather resources, engage in crafting, and even build your own house! But in order to do all these things, you first need to understand how the game works. Here are a few basic tips:

  • Don't forget to eat: Just like in real life, your character needs food to survive. So always make sure to have enough food with you.
  • Learn crafting: Crafting is very important in this game. From armor and weapons to houses, you can craft everything yourself.
  • Join a faction: There are three different factions in the game - the Marauders, Syndicate, and Covenant. Each has its own advantages and goals.

Well-Equipped is Half the Battle

One of the most important things in New World is your equipment. Whether you're heading out to kill a dangerous monster or simply gathering some resources, you always need to be well-prepared.

But where do you get this equipment from? Well, there are several ways: you can take it from defeated enemies or craft it yourself. And if you need something really special? Then you might want to check out Steam Keys!

Secure Your Place in the New World

But the adventure in New World doesn't end with just surviving. No - it's about creating your own piece of paradise in this brutal New World.

You can claim land and build your own house on it. But be careful - other players might try to take your land for themselves! Luckily, there are ways to defend against that...


At first glance, New World may seem intimidating - with its vast world full of dangers and possibilities. But with the right tools and the knowledge from this guide, you can do more than just survive - you can thrive in this new world!

Good luck out there!

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