New World Update 1.9.5 - Fireworks, Brimstone Sands, and More

14 June 2023 / by Tom Schwiha
New World Update 1.9.5 - Fireworks, Brimstone Sands, and More

Update 1.9.5 for New World: Fireworks and Brimstone Sands

Attention adventurers! The update 1.9.5 for New World awaits you on June 13th at 11:00 AM PT (6:00 AM UTC) and is expected to last one hour. During this time, you can celebrate your victory over the Spriggan's wrath with amazing fireworks! In addition to various bug fixes, players of all levels are now allowed to enter the Brimstone Sands.

Unfortunately, there is a small issue with the emotes, but don't worry - the team is already working hard to provide a solution as soon as possible.

Fireworks in Aeternum

With the new update, you can light up Aeternum with colorful explosions! The fireworks are available in the in-game store and cost 1,000 Marks of Fortune each or 10,000 Marks of Fortune for a pack of ten. Grab your favorites and let it rip!

Firework Emotes

The update also brings various firework emotes to the game: Flower Firework, Dynasty Firework, Dryad Firework, Ancient Firework, and Shooting Star Firework. Each emote allows the use of the corresponding firework for two hours.

Firework Show Variety Pack

Surprise your friends with a stunning firework show! The pack includes five of the above firework permits and costs 25,000 Marks of Fortune.

Brimstone Sands for Everyone!

With update 1.9.4, Brimstone Sands is now unlocked for everyone. Players of all levels can now travel to Brimstone Sands without fear of the sun (scorpions and sandworms are another story).

Notable Bug Fixes

The update also fixes some annoying bugs in New World. These include:

  • Fixing various issues related to quest NPCs, animations, gathering, equipment, and seasonal tasks
  • Fixing an issue that prevented players from previewing Gryphon item skins
  • Fixing an issue that caused players to no longer see their character when switching screens in the main menu

Thank you for your support! We'll see you in Aeternum. And if you're still looking for a Steam Key for New World, check out Keyfuchs - we've got just what you need!

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