Night of the Dead - Roadmap for 2022

05 December 2021, 20:15 / by Fabian Roßbach
Night of the Dead - Roadmap for 2022

In the open-world survival game Night of the Dead, the player controls the main character Lucy, who wakes up in a city that was part of a human experiment. But this has completely failed, because the whole area is teeming with zombies, which become dangerous especially at night in large waves.

You now have to try to escape from the area. For this to work, the player has to find weapons and equipment, hunt, cook food and build a base that should be as safe from zombies as possible. During the survival struggle one tries to gain hints as to how the escape can best succeed. You can go hunting for zombies alone or with others.

Since Jackto Studios consists of two South Korean developers, the game is still in early access. With the help of the community and their feedback, the two developers are trying to offer a gaming experience that should convince fans, despite limited resources. As is usual for early access games, the developer is transparent about the future plans for the game.

The Roadmap for Night of the Dead

In July 2021, the development team took a look at the content that fans of Night of the Dead can expect. The first big patch came in October 2021 and improved the game's technical aspects. Servers and storage systems were tweaked.

The improvements in the game focused mainly on bug fixes, the user interface, the camera, and the artificial intelligence of the zombies. In addition to the autumn update, Jackto Studios also announced what they have planned for winter and next year. However, the developer did not specify when the last points of the roadmap will appear.


Content for winter and the new year

Jackto Studios' last update for 2021 is scheduled to appear in winter. This will give players more options to customize their character. New additions will include armor, a new type of zombie, and the ability to relax while fishing in addition to the stress of the apocalypse.

In addition, the main menu and difficulty settings will be improved.

Over the course of 2022, numerous new updates with new content and features are scheduled to appear. Jackto Studios has not yet revealed any specific dates. Among other things, players can look forward to these new features:

  • An expansion of the map to give the world more depth
  • The introduction of vehicles that give players the ability to get from A to B faster
  • An airdrop that players can request
  • New weapons
  • Another type of zombie
  • An improved equipment system
  • More, as yet unnamed features
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