Nova Lands - Everything you need to know about Nova Lands

10 July 2023
Nova Lands - Everything you need to know about Nova Lands

Welcome to Nova Lands

Imagine being stranded on a small hexagonal island, with the unforgiving nature as your only companion. Welcome to Nova Lands, a casual base-building and exploration game that combines elements of Forager and Satisfactory. Your mission here is clear: survive by collecting resources, upgrading your equipment, and discovering new islands.

Automation meets adventure

You start with basic survival necessities and constantly unlock new systems, subsystems, or items. You export more, bigger, better things; none of it is overly complex. It's a refreshing change in the genre of automation games.

Your Journey Through the Worlds

With every step you take, you will discover new small hexagonal islands. There, you will meet a variety of space enthusiasts to hang out with and go on quests. Whether you're mining ore or moving resources to processors, there's always something to do in Nova Lands.

On the Path to Mass Production

  • You will be able to unlock tools to craft materials yourself
  • You can instruct and upgrade logistics robots
  • Your robots can find and mine ore or move things to processors for you
  • Eventually, there are arms that pass things between islands and flying drones that move things across multiple islands.

Progress Mechanics at Work

Every progress brings its own benefits. By collecting experience points, you can unlock or upgrade your bots or yourself, as well as receive new recipes. And once the progress is rolling, you will even be able to visit a space station and build and decorate your own house.


Whether you're a fan of base-building or exploration games, or simply looking for a new sci-fi adventure - Nova Lands has something to offer for everyone. With its blend of automation and incremental crafting, it provides hours of gameplay fun.