Old School RuneScape - New Combat Achievement System

04 May 2023
Old School RuneScape - New Combat Achievement System

The new point-based combat achievement system in Old School RuneScape

This week, a brand new point-based combat achievement system is being introduced in Old School RuneScape. In this system, different tasks are assigned a point value that corresponds to their difficulty level. Once you successfully complete a task, it contributes to your overall point total. The higher the challenge, the more points you can earn!

The main goal of this new system is to allow players to unlock the coveted rewards of combat achievements with different combinations of tasks, without necessarily having to complete an entire level. The developers hope that the new system will encourage you to try more challenging tasks early on in the game.

Further Changes from Survey 79

In addition to the new combat achievement system, other exciting changes from Survey 79 have been implemented. This includes the introduction of the Abyssal Lantern, a new light source that you can use in the depths of the Abyssal Area. The lamp is unlocked by completing tasks from the Slayer Master Konar.

Speaking of Slayer: The Wilderness Slayer loot table has also been adjusted. There are now more opportunities to obtain useful items and rewards while fighting your way through the dangerous wilderness.

Easter Event Ended and PvP Rotation on Period B

The Easter event is now over and all associated activities and rewards are no longer available. But don't worry - there will certainly be new seasonal events to participate in soon!

The PvP rotation has now shifted to Period B. This means that various hotspots in the world of Old School RuneScape have been changed and new challenges await you.

Get your Old School RuneScape Key now!

If you haven't yet delved into the world of Old School RuneScape or simply want to renew your membership, we have good news for you! On Keyfuchs, you can find Old School RuneScape keys that give you access to all premium content in the game.

Check out our Steam Keys page to discover more great games and offers. Dive into the world of Old School RuneScape and experience the new point-based combat achievement system and many other exciting updates while keeping your personal tone.