OTXO: Surprising Content Update and Bug Fixes - Everything you need to know about the only content update

08 June 2023, 20:26 / by Tom Schwiha
OTXO: Surprising Content Update and Bug Fixes - Everything you need to know about the only content update

Surprise! OTXO gets a content update!

Although it was not originally planned, there is now a great content update for OTXO. The positive feedback from the community has prompted the developers to thank the fans with this update. In this article, you will learn all about the exciting new features and improvements!

New running modifiers, weapons, and drinks

After completing the game, you will find a new NPC on the beach who offers you running modifiers. There are a total of six different modifiers. When you complete a run with one of these modifiers, you unlock a brand new weapon and a new drink that can appear in the shop. That means for you: 6 modifiers, 6 weapons, and 6 drinks.

The run modifiers are designed to be tricky and change the way you approach the game. They affect both dealing with enemies and spending coins. Some will definitely be more challenging than others!

Bug Fixes and Improvements

In addition to the new content, numerous bugs have been fixed and improvements have been made. These include:

  • Reduced volume of the Lateralis Heavy Industries logo animation by 8 dB
  • Corrections to player speed in combination with certain abilities
  • Fixed a display issue with the M2 Dendrocnide in the armory menu
  • Sniper rifle now correctly destroys explosive barrels
  • Correctly ends the end credits song when skipped
  • Fixed an issue with the French translation
  • Many other minor bug fixes

In addition, it has been ensured that at least one "Misplaced Chamber" can be found per run. It will likely appear later in the run, so hopefully you will have collected some coins by then.

Steam Cloud Saving and Steam Deck Verification

OTXO has recently received Steam Cloud saving and has also been verified for the Steam Deck. This allows you to seamlessly enjoy your gameplay on different devices. To get the game at an attractive price, visit our Steam Keys page.

OTXO Soundtrack Now Available on Steam!

To top it off, the OTXO soundtrack is now also available on Steam. You can purchase it together with the game in a bundle and fully enjoy OTXO. Visit our OTXO page to learn more about the bundle and the key.

A big thank you to all OTXO fans! The developers have put a lot of work into this update to reward the community. Have fun exploring the new content and improvements!

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