Outer Wilds - Trapped in the Time Vortex

12 August 2020, 16:16 / by Fabian Roßbach
Outer Wilds - Trapped in the Time Vortex

With Outer Wilds, the developers of Mobius Games enriched the adventure genre with an interesting new twist. Aspiring astronauts can secure their affordable key on Keyfuchs.

Trapped in the Maelstrom of Time

In Outer Wilds, an alien space explorer preparing for his first solo flight is thrust into the center of the story. Shortly before his spaceship is set to take off, the protagonist comes across a statue of the Nomai. The Nomai are an alien species that disappeared long ago. The vision resulting from the statue's touch quickly makes it clear what the space traveler can expect from now on.

Suddenly he is trapped in a time loop in which the sun explodes in a spectacular supernova every 22 minutes and destroys all the planets in its solar system. After a supernova or another death of the protagonist, the time is reset and the space explorer is revived. Fans of the cult comedy Groundhog Day will already have a good idea of where this is going. Just as it was the case with Bill Murray back then, it is now up to you in Outer Wilds to find out what the mysterious time loop is all about and how to break it.

This raises several questions: Why is the protagonist trapped in a time loop? Why does the sun explode after exactly 22 minutes? And what is the deal with the mysterious statue of the Nomai? Since the game always resets after 22 minutes at the latest, the player is encouraged to try new things while exploring the different planets or solving the numerous puzzles. After all, the time at which a certain planet is examined can be crucial.

For example: A pair of planets orbit each other so closely that the sand of one planet is attracted to the other. This in turn leads to the fact that important places of the planet are only accessible in the early stages of the 22-minute cycle and are buried by sand at a later time. These small puzzles and gimmicks are what make Outer Wilds stand out pleasantly from other puzzle adventures.

Since clues are sometimes stingy, the space adventure from Mobius Games is primarily aimed at patient puzzle fans who are willing to immerse themselves in the game world and explore it at their own pace.

Get your cheap Outer Wilds key

If you want to get to the bottom of Outer Wilds' tough puzzles, Keyfuchs is the right place for you. Thanks to our handy price comparison, you have the opportunity to have all current offers for Outer Wilds and other titles displayed. This ensures that you do not have to spend more money than necessary when buying your key.

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