Paragon - Paragon - The Overprime starts on December 8

05 December 2022
Paragon - Paragon - The Overprime starts on December 8

When the game was released in 2016, it didn't lead to the expected number of sales that Epic Games had hoped for. After a short time, the developers took the game off the market in 2018, but released the assets for free, which numerous developers used to create their own works using the characters from Paragon. 
Now the game will appear on Steam under a new name. The Overprime is supposed to be the turnaround. This time the game won't be released by Epic Games, but by Netmarble. The Early Access phase starts on December 8, 2022. 

The Gameplay

In the game there are two teams, each made up of five players. They compete against each other. To win, you have to destroy the enemy towers and finally the heart of the enemy base. Before the game starts, you choose your role and your lane. There is one for solo players, one for duos and a separate area where you have to hunt down NPC monsters.

Version 1.0 offers mainly more heroes, items and game modes and will be released in 2023. The game itself is Free2Play and will be financed through an item shop.