Paralives - Showing The Sims 4 how green energy is done right

07 August 2023
Paralives - Showing The Sims 4 how green energy is done right

Indie gem Paralives outshines The Sims 4

Although Paralives is a smaller indie game developed by just one individual, it successfully implements sustainable energy sources in ways that The Sims 4 has failed to do.

Paralives is probably my most anticipated simulation game at the moment, and that has a lot to do with the variety of promising features that have been showcased so far. From a completely unique language to deep emotions, Paralives puts a lot of detail into its characters, making them realistic. While EA has done a lot of this with The Sims 4, there are areas where many of us have hoped for improvements. One of them is the billing and energy system, which Paralives seems to have already mastered.

Eco-friendly features from the start

If you've played The Sims 4, you've probably heard of the Eco Lifestyle Pack. Honestly, it was one of those expansions that left me somewhat unsatisfied. Paralives, on the other hand, will have eco-friendly features available to players right from the start, without the need for additional paid content to access them. From functional solar panels to aesthetically pleasing windmills, there are several ways to use energy efficiently without harming your Paralives family's planet.

Save money through green energy

However, this isn't the only advantage of using green energy. Just like in reality, a lot of money can be saved on bills by becoming more self-sufficient. By using renewable energy in Paralives, your in-game family will spend fewer Paradimes on bills. As described by the developer, "investing in objects that generate electricity" is an easy way to lower the bills.

Possible water supply and weekly bills

If your Parafolks often have their power shut off due to high bills, searching for green energy sources could always be an option for them. The developer has also hinted at a mechanic for water supply, saying, "Maybe there's an item that could deliver water." However, to avoid confusion, they explicitly state that there isn't one yet.

An ecological solution to pesky bills

In Paralives, bills arrive every week, including property taxes and rates depending on your family's house and their electricity or water consumption. Personally, I'll be placing solar panels on the roofs of my characters or distributing them in the garden wherever possible. Any player of The Sims knows how pesky bills can be, and this charming eco-friendly method to make them cheaper will be great.

More exciting features of Paralives

In a recent Patreon post, more features of Paralives are detailed, not just related to bills or green energy. You'll also be able to collect regular money to take care of your in-game family's children - how heartwarming is that? Instead of simply taking away children like The Sims games do, Paralives offers an accessible child support system.

More activities and new lifestyles

Other important features mentioned in the update post include higher taxes to enable more activities in the town, the ability to live "off the grid" in properties without electricity or water consumption, power outages due to storms, and support money for in-game families looking for work.